
Author Topic: Braces on in five minutes!!!  (Read 11746 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #30 on: 29. April 2023, 16:43:15 PM »
I may be wrong, I am wrong all the time, but I bet you don't get as many reactions as you think.  It seems people are too self-involved these days to notice much that isn't punching them in the face.  And the responses you do get will be almost all positive I bet. 

How do you feel this morning?  And did you tell your friend yet about your "peculiar interest"?  This seems like the perfect opportunity to initiate that conversation.

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #31 on: 29. April 2023, 17:30:18 PM »
Just in case everything goes sideways, we should probably all get ready to tell ineedbraces25 that they really don't look *so* bad, and that she'll have a lovely smile forever when they come off  >:D

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #32 on: 29. April 2023, 17:56:05 PM »
I may be wrong, I am wrong all the time, but I bet you don't get as many reactions as you think.  It seems people are too self-involved these days to notice much that isn't punching them in the face.  And the responses you do get will be almost all positive I bet. 

How do you feel this morning?  And did you tell your friend yet about your "peculiar interest"?  This seems like the perfect opportunity to initiate that conversation.

yeah, im sure people dont really care as much as I feel they might..once I get both on it may be more obvious though but just the top isnt very visible for me unless I smile or talk more animated. I kinda like the idea of showing them off (in a kinky way, having braces be visible and obvious and pointing them out is a turn on lol)

And yeah it kinda came up because I said I like the pain of the braces on my teeth (and want more) and she just guessed and went, is this a kink? lol.

but I downplayed it and said I just find others attractive w braces and kinda like the pain feeling. I didn't say that I get turned on by the thought of getting them installed and the intensity of it, or my headgear and appliances kink. So it seemed kinda mild and normal to her.

I might tell a different friend about it all though , the headgear part and everything. I feel like I'm less embarassed about the headgear stuff than I am the fact I get aroused by imagining having braces put on (which is normal and maybe unpleasant for most). Headgear is more out there and looks kinda kinky, so it makes sense lol. I'll see how they react though.

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #33 on: 29. April 2023, 18:00:03 PM »
random thought, but I really wish I had a video of my braces getting installed. I think id be turned on watching it lol because I'd re-remember the process AND see how I actually looked getting them on from the outside. And just watching that transformation taking place would be a turn on.

anyone else feel like they'd be into that too?

oh also, in my "fantasies" pre getting braces, I liked the thought of having a mirror right above me and being forced to watch myself with the retractors in and getting my braces installed....that thought gets me feeling some way lol.

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #34 on: 29. April 2023, 18:02:31 PM »
ok I love the thought of being made to watch it all, but I also like the suspense of not knowing how I look (while knowing im being watched and others are witnessing it) and then the surprise of looking in the mirror after.

Both ways/fantasies are arousing actually haha.

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #35 on: 29. April 2023, 18:06:35 PM »
Just in case everything goes sideways, we should probably all get ready to tell ineedbraces25 that they really don't look *so* bad, and that she'll have a lovely smile forever when they come off  >:D

thanks, I guess theres mixed feelings there. As much as I love how braces look aesthetically and find the thought of me having them now hot/a turn on, it is hard to get used to how I look and I feel my smile is very goofy, and I look younger (already have babyface that im semi insecure about).

I didn't like my smile before braces so I kinda expected to not love it (objectively, kink aside) with them. But I know when im done (and done with surgery) ill have a super amazing smile an itll be worth it!! Trying to get over caring what I look like for now

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #36 on: 29. April 2023, 18:26:16 PM »
There wasn’t too much to see in your pics, but what was there looked good.  And I get the whole baby face/looking young thing.  That is why I grew a beard in my late 20s.   I looked 16. That was too many years ago sadly. Most people still think I am 10 years younger than I am, but at least they don’t wonder where my parents are.

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #37 on: 29. April 2023, 20:25:09 PM »
There wasn’t too much to see in your pics, but what was there looked good.  And I get the whole baby face/looking young thing.  That is why I grew a beard in my late 20s.   I looked 16. That was too many years ago sadly. Most people still think I am 10 years younger than I am, but at least they don’t wonder where my parents are.

yeah, im 24 turning 25 in summer but told I look 17-19 maybe 20. With braces on, plus certain clothes, I could definitely look like a highschooler.

I'm gonna joke that I'm 15 going on 25 this summer lmao.

I dont care too too much university still so I'm around plenty of people younger than me and they just see me as their age instead of older, and I dont feel the need to want to look much older. The only annoying thing is being talked down to like im a kid or naive...but that may partly be my personality too (have adhd, can be really silly and playful..people see as childlike).

Offline Tin_Grin8444

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #38 on: 30. April 2023, 02:42:21 AM »
yeah, im 24 turning 25 in summer but told I look 17-19 maybe 20. With braces on, plus certain clothes, I could definitely look like a highschooler.

I'm gonna joke that I'm 15 going on 25 this summer lmao.

I dont care too too much university still so I'm around plenty of people younger than me and they just see me as their age instead of older, and I dont feel the need to want to look much older. The only annoying thing is being talked down to like im a kid or naive...but that may partly be my personality too (have adhd, can be really silly and playful..people see as childlike).

I definitely feel your pain there  ;D
Get ready to be carded at bars and grocery stores for a good while XD
For the past few years, it's been really easy to grow a beard, which definitely ages me a good bit. I've got some "youthful glow" from my Mom's side, so whenever I decide to shave, instantly I look like a high schooler. Granted, in my lines of work this isnt the end of the world, but it definitly snags a big when I have to buy liquor for the office or go to meet friends at a bar. Being 23 and only looking it when you decide to have facial hair is blessing in many ways and a mild inconvenience at worst.
Then again, the inconvenience itself does add it's own excitement, if only because it's caused by the presence of metal in your mouth, so not the worst thing in the world  ;)

Hope your enjoying the experience and the pain isnt too bad!

Offline FantaBrace

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #39 on: 30. April 2023, 02:50:17 AM »

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #40 on: 30. April 2023, 07:53:54 AM »
haha yeah im enjoying it. The tension teeth pain isnt the worst honestly and just reminds me I have braces (which i like of course haha). I facetimed a friend and I thought I'd be shy about them but I ended up smiling a fair amount and showing them a bit (they said the braces suit me!)...which was nice for me and made me feel more comfortable. I'll see if I can show them off Monday too! I wanna have fun and embrace the experience lol.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #41 on: 22. May 2023, 02:35:55 AM »
It has been over two weeks.  I assume it is just normal now.  Not still “GREAT!” since you wanted braces; and definitely not “bad  :( “  (like it would have been if you hadn’t wanted want them).  Just kind of a new normal.  Would love an update.

Offline ineedbraces25

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #42 on: 22. May 2023, 19:14:41 PM »
Hey, so a bit of mixed feelings I guess. I definitely got used to the feeling of them, I like kinda playing with them a lot (like feeling the brackets/wire with my tongue or touching them with my finger). I personally like how they look and I’m way more used to my appearance with them and that shock factor I had at first died down. They don’t cause any difficulty eating either and pain I had is gone, which is nice

So socially is where the mixed feelings come in. With the friends who I told/or reacted and made a comment when they saw me with them, I’m mostly comfortable around and am starting to lose the self consciousness. It helps that they all commented (either positively or something very neutral showing they don’t care) so I don’t have to wonder what they think.  I have a bit of awareness when I laugh or smile (like oh, they’re seeing my braces now) but It isn’t interfering much.

One girl was an exception though, I don’t think this was bad intentioned but she just found it very funny that I have braces apparently, and was laughing some and brought them up around a few other people like “isn’t it funny that (my name) has braces now?”. I know she was poking fun, but I wish I had said something witty or stood up for myself after that…and I guess it may have impacted how I think people will perceive someone my age with braces a bit.

But with people who either have seen me and haven’t commented, or people I’m purposefully hiding them around for whatever reason (it’s dumb but I find myself doing this), I feel very awkward and self conscious still. I’m either wondering if they saw and thought something negative and so aren’t commenting, or wondering if they have seen them at all, or I’m actively trying to hide them (which is awkward to do I’m sure you can smiling weird, talking less, looking away to talk…it’s bad). I wear a mask in a fair amount of places so some people haven’t seen at all because of that, but in other situations my mask is off and I’m still trying to hide, or awkwardly have my mask just covering my mouth lol.

I don’t know…I wish I could bring them up with everyone who hasn’t seen me with them yet (or who I don’t know if they’ve noticed) to “break the ice” so to speak. That way I don’t have to wonder if they saw them or if they care, and won’t have to awkwardly try to hide them anymore. But I’m not sure how to bring them up and it makes me feel embarrassed to a bit.  I think if I ever get to the point where everyone who knew me before braces (or 90% of them) has seen them/commented, I’ll be way more comfortable. But right now, I’m at like 4% of people i know having for sure seen my braces/commented.

Feel like part of the why I’m embarrassed about them is because of this kink and braces never being ‘normal’ to me, and partly because I feel like I’ll be perceived as less attractive with them by most people.  I just have to face my insecurities. I already feel like skipping social events and things or not seeing certain people because of my braces..and I really don’t want to be like that the whole year or more I have them. I really want to overcome the insecurity. I have two events this week that are social and involve food and if I go, people will surely see my braces (or it’ll be very awkward to hide). Also, I’m getting my bottom braces this week and the events are after that, so I REALLY won’t be able to hide them and i might have a bigger noticeable lisp. I think I only managed to hide them while talking because my bottoms weren’t on (and even then a few people noticed).

Id feel really bad missing either of these events, but knowing I’ll have top and bottom braces by then and unable to hide them kinda makes me want to ???? Could use some encouragement maybe. Also, the next appointment I could pick a bright color or something (silver right now, which I don’t hate but I’m a little bored of), but knowing I have these events and might look for a job soon makes me hesitant about going crazy with color. Color makes them stand out more in my opinion.

Anyways, I know that this maybe wasn’t the most exciting update (my insecurities are getting in the way of things). I really hope to overcome these insecurities someday and feel confident even with braces. I get my bottoms on (and a thicker wire and a chance for new color) in either 3 or 4 days. So part of me is excited because the experience can be a turn on from a kinky aspect, and I’ll finally have the full set and feel ‘complete’. Other part is nervous because they’ll actually be very visible and I won’t be able to hide them at all when talking, and worried they’ll give me a big lisp, and cut up my cheeks even more than the top (and dealing with the soreness all over again).

Offline bracessd

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #43 on: 23. May 2023, 17:10:27 PM »
@ineedbraces25 Thanks for the update. It's easier said than done at first, but I would own having braces and wanting a better smile. Try focusing on the conversation and being in the moment and not worrying so much about hiding the braces or caring what others think. You should definitely go to the events and get comfortable talking and smiling! You've got this!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: Braces on in five minutes!!!
« Reply #44 on: 24. May 2023, 04:11:06 AM »
Thank you for the update!  And screw that girl; even if she was joking.