
Author Topic: A Fresh Start  (Read 12342 times)

Offline mr_90proof

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A Fresh Start
« on: 03. June 2023, 00:57:20 AM »
Chapter One.

Liz looked over at the stack of cardboard boxes stacked in the cramped living room of her new two bedroom apartment.  She thought it sad that this was all that she had to show for the past five years.  She wondered once again if she had made the right decision to move back to her hometown.  She knew she needed a fresh start.  She wondered if this was it.

She had just recently finalized her divorce with Lane, her husband of 5 years.  The last few years had been an unhappy time for her.  In addition to a loveless marriage that was steadily unravelling, she found herself in a large city 1,000 miles from home with few friends.  She had a few fellow teachers she was friendly with, but in moments of introspection she realized they were really more acquaintances than friends.  One bright spot was that she still did enjoy the teaching profession.  So, it was with all this in mind that once the divorce was finalized she resigned from her current position.  Luckily it had been the beginning of summer break, so she was able to cut the string immediately and move back home.  If nothing else she thought having her parents nearby would make it easier to start her life over at 27.

As she finalized preparations in her class room, the fall semester was starting in the morning, she thought how fortunate she had been to have had such an easy time finding a new job.  She would be teaching 11th grade history at her old high school.  In the past two months since she had moved back, she had reconnected with several old friends.  But one thing she made clear to all is that she was not ready to date.  Even Tim, the cute guy that lived in the apartment across from hers.  She was standing back admiring the decorations she had just put up when she heard Maggie behind her.

“Hey girlie!  I can’t believe we are going to be next door neighbors” Maggie said.  Maggie was also a new first year teacher, one year older than Liz, and the two had immediately hit it off on the first day of orientation.  Liz replied “me too!  I am so excited!  Maybe a little nervous.  But mostly excited.”  Maggie took a seat and said “that looks good.  Your whole classroom does.  You are making me look bad.”  Liz looked at her and said “nonsense, your room is as cute as a button.  And I know you have put a lot of hard work into it.  And you had a bigger challenge.  Because how cute can you really make a biology lab?”

As Liz took a seat, Maggie said “so, to change subjects, have you ever had braces?”  Liz said “no, why?”  Maggie smiled at her and said “I am wanting to fix these.  My parents weren’t able to afford braces for me.  But now I can.  I was wanting to do clear aligners, but I had two consults earlier this summer and both told me I wasn’t a candidate.  They said I need braces.  Something about fixing my bite.  I just thought maybe you’d had them before.  I am wondering how bad it would be.  And if it would be worth it.  I talked to Mrs. Shelton about hers.  She said to go for it.  But I think she just wants some company so she isn’t the only teacher here with them.  I just thought maybe you could give me some insight.”  Liz said “no, I should have had them.  But I kicked and screamed so hard my parents gave up.  I wish I had, but now I am too old.” 

Maggie looked at Liz and said “well, you have a great smile.  But at my first consult, that office said 50% of their patients are adults.  And the other one told me that 30% of patients are adults.  So you aren’t too old.  But anyway, I was just wondering if you’d had them.  And how bad they hurt.”

For some reason, Liz was uncomfortable about this conversation.  She was uncomfortable thinking about her smile.  And especially the idea of having braces herself.  She changed the subject back to the upcoming school year.

That evening after brushing her teeth, Liz examined her teeth in the mirror.  She knew her smile could use a little tweaking.  And she was sure that some of her students would have braces.  But she was the teacher.  She couldn’t have them.  Even if Mrs. Shelton did.  She was already married.  And she wasn’t restarting her life.  But as she lay in bed Liz wondered if maybe she would be a candidate for clear aligners.  She decided, even though it made her uncomfortable, she would ask Maggie what orthodontists she had visited.  As she grew sleepy she thought “surely it couldn’t hurt just to have one take a look at my teeth.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #1 on: 03. June 2023, 16:57:42 PM »
Chapter Two.

As one would likely expect, the first day of school was extremely hectic for Liz.  With so much on her mind she had forgotten all about the thought that had gone through her head before she fell asleep the night before.  That was until her fifth period class.  At the beginning of each of her classes she had introduced herself to the class.  She then went around the room and had the students stand and introduce themselves aloud to everyone else. She thought many of the students probably already knew each other, but they were all new to her.  Plus it was a good ice breaker.  The seventh student to speak in her fifth period class stood and said “Hi!  I am Alyssa Cantrell.”  Then she smiled at Liz, or Miss Stevens as she had introduced herself to the class.  When Alyssa smiled, she revealed the prominent metal braces and forsus springs in her mouth.  While several other students earlier in the day had also had braces, they had been much more subtle and had not sparked a recollection in Liz’s mind of her thoughts the night before.  But this time, the shocking amount of metal she saw in the girl’s mouth reminded her.  Liz thought it must be horrible to have to walk around with that much metal in one’s mouth.  But Liz noted as the class let out, Alyssa was smiling and talking with classmates.  She seemed oblivious to the scaffolding in her mouth.  As Liz watched Alyssa disappear out the door she thought “what a brave girl.”

After the final bell rung, Liz stayed in her classroom.  She was at her desk studying her student rolls, trying to put a face with each name.  But with over 200 new students, she knew it would be a process.  She had even asked all of the students to be patient with her as she got to know them all.  And to please not be offended if she got a name wrong in the fist week or two.  Her concentration was broken by “Hey!  How did it go?”  She turned to see Maggie standing in her doorway.

After they had relayed to each other how their days had gone, Liz said “so last night I was thinking about what you said about getting braces.  And I am interested in seeing if maybe clear aligners would work for me.  I mean, I am not dating and don’t plan to for a while.  And since I am making a fresh start, maybe I should do it with a new and improved smile.  Who did you go consult with?”

Three weeks later, Liz pulled in and parked in the lot of Family Orthodontics.  She was running a few minutes late as the after school traffic had been horrible.  She hurried up to the reception desk.  She was flustered as the clock on the wall said 3:55.  At reception she said “Hi!  I am Elizabeth Stevens.  I have a 3:45, or had a 3:45, appointment.  I am sorry I am late.”  The blond girl behind the desk, her name tag said Katie, smiled at her.  Liz immediately noticed the metal brackets covering each of her teeth as well as the lime green elastics that stretched between her upper and lower jaws as she responded “it’s not a problem.  We understand that our adult patients are busy.”  She typed a few things into her computer and looked up and said “since you are new, can you please give me your ID and insurance card?  And please fill this out” as she handed Liz a clipboard.  Liz took the clipboard and said “sure thing.  And thank you for understanding.”  After digging her drivers license and insurance card out and handing them to Katie she said “I will get this right back to you.”  Katie gave her a big metallic smile and said “Thank You!” 

Liz turned and surveyed the waiting area to find a seat.  As she looked around the room she noticed a mix of about half kids with their parents and half adults or older teens.  Her eyes lingered on one woman around her age that was wearing some kind of blue plastic and metal mask on her face. She saw there were elastics stretching from the mask into her mouth.  Liz wasn’t sure exactly what it was, but she assumed it was something to do with orthodontics.  She shuddered.  Another patient, a tween girl sitting with her mother, had a metal bar looping around her face attached to black straps on top of her head.  Liz did recognize this, she knew that the poor girl had to wear headgear.  As she finished up looking around the room, she saw someone she recognized.  In the corner was Alyssa, her student with the metal braces and springs in her mouth.  She was waving towards Miss Stevens.

Liz approached and said “Hi Alyssa!  So this is your orthodontist?”  Alyssa looked up and said “yes Miss Stevens.  I got my braces last spring break.  I SO hope I am done with them by graduation next year.  What are you doing here?” 

Liz sat in the empty seat beside her and said “well, I am just exploring the idea of getting clear aligners.  I have a couple teeth I would like to straighten up.”  Alyssa said “that is cool.  Good for you.  Mrs. Shelton had them for a year before she got ceramic braces.  You couldn’t even see them.  We wouldn’t have known she had even gotten them if she hadn’t asked us to ignore her new lisp when she first got them.  I would have loved to have gotten them, but they couldn’t fix my bite.  So I had to get regular braces.  And these awful springs.  I can’t wait to get them off.  Anyway, it looks like you have some stuff to fill out.  I will leave you alone.”  Liz looked at Alyssa and thanked her, then bent over and went to filling out the paperwork.  She was almost done when she heard a voice call out “Alyssa Cantrell, the doctor is ready for you.”  As Alyssa stood Liz said “good luck Alyssa.  Maybe they will take those springs off”.  Alyssa smiled at her and said “I hope so.  If they do, I am going to consider you my good luck charm.”

After filling out the new patient paperwork she had returned it to Katie who told her they would call her soon.

After finishing her examination, she was led to an office that said “Emma Stanfield - Treatment Coordinator”.  Entering the office, the woman behind it stood and extended her hand and smiled.  Liz noticed she had clear ceramic braces on her teeth.  Liz stuck her hand out as the coordinator said “Hello Miss Stevens.  I am Emma.  I wanted to discuss some treatment options with you.”

After they sat Emma said “so looking here, it looks like you are interested in clear aligners.  Unfortunately, you are not a great candidate for them.  You have some bite issues that the aligners just can’t effectively address.  However, you are certainly a candidate for traditional braces, either metal or clear ceramic like I have.”  Hearing this bad news Liz pretty much gave up the dream of a prettier smile.  But since she was here, she decided to at least be polite and hear the woman out.  She said “so what all would that involve.”  The coordinator layed out a treatment plan.  It would be an estimated 28-30 months.  She had mentioned several appliances that were completely foreign to Liz.  At the end, she had discussed cost. Liz was taken aback when she heard it would be $7,500 dollars.

After finishing her presentation, Emma said “if you want to start, we can do it today and go ahead and get your spacers installed.”  Liz said “thank you, but I don’t think I will.”  Emma asked “so, what is your major concern?  We have lots of adult patients, and adult braces are no big deal.  I can personally vouch for that.  Or is it the financials?”  Liz answered “it is all of the above. But thank you all for your time.”  She stood.  Emma said “hang on just a second.  I can’t do much about the braces.  But if the financials are the concern, there is another option.”  To be polite Liz sat down.  Emma continued “Dr. Butler is seeking participants in a multi-year experimental trial he is involved with.  Patients that participate will get full treatment at zero cost. And you would be a perfect candidate.  We are looking for 30 people who have a class II bite and 30 more that have a class III bite.  They need to be aged 21-40 and never had orthodontic treatment before.  Believe it or not, that is hard to find.  But you would be perfect.”  She dug out a one page sheet and handed it to Liz.  Across the top it read ‘BioMechanical Impacts of Extraoral Forces on Adult Orthodontic Treatment.’  Liz had no idea what this meant.

Emma said “this sheet outlines the details.  Your appointments would be at the university an hour away.  And they would be on Saturdays.  But it would be a GREAT opportunity to get treatment for free.  Is that something you would be interested in?”  Liz said “no, but thank you.”  She started to hand the sheet back to Emma when she thought of Maggie.  Liz wondered if she knew about this. So, she looked at Emma and asked “but can I take this with me?  I might have a friend that would be interested.”  Emma said “of course not.  That is why we printed them up.  Please, share with anyone you can, we are struggling to find the volunteers we need.”

As Liz walked to her car she was feeling a little bummed out.  She had really hoped she could sort her smile out with clear aligners.  With her dream of a new smile gone, she thought about Alyssa.  She thought “maybe she had a better appointment than me and was able to get those springs out of her mouth.”  And she thought of Maggie.  Maybe this study would be something she was interested in.  After all, Maggie seemed pretty dead set on getting braces, traditional or otherwise.  And free was a great price.  She would give her this flyer.  Then she thought of what Emma had said about needing participants.  Better yet Liz thought, I will tack it up on the bulletin board in the teacher’s lounge.  While she herself couldn’t bring herself to wear adult braces, maybe there was another teacher at the school that could.  And hey, free is free right?

Offline silver-moon-2000

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #2 on: 03. June 2023, 17:08:26 PM »
And she was sure that some of her students would have braces.  But she was the teacher.  She couldn’t have them.

That sound like an interesting idea. I curious whereto it develops.


‘BioMechanical Impacts of Extraoral Forces on Adult Orthodontic Treatment.’ 

Oops... ;D Poor Liz

That said, I am always amazed at the differences in school system between the US and Germany.
While not impossible, it certainly is harder to give notice and change schools in Germany. Eespecially if you're a public servant and not an employee.
And decorating home-rooms: Maybe with the exception of 1st and 2nd grades, there is - to the best of my knowledge - no concept of home-rooms similar to the US.
So - at least during the time I spend in school which is nearly 25 years ago (HAAH I'M OLD!) - no teacher would even think of decorating a room. It is not "theirs" after all.

Well... the only exception was our Art-teacher. He DID decorate his rooms... by hanging used tea-bags from the ceiling  ::)

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #3 on: 03. June 2023, 20:57:47 PM »
Chapter Three.

Maggie brought three more glasses of wine into the living room.  She handed two of them to Tina and Liz, keeping the third for herself.  Tina was also a teacher at the school, a 29 year old physical education and health teacher who was also one of the girls volleyball coaches.  It was a Friday night and the three were having a girls movie night.   As she sat Maggie said “come on Liz.  Please!  They only need one more volunteer before they will start the trial and we can start treatment.  Tina, Emily, and I are all eager to get started.  I mean, the sooner we get started, the sooner we will be done.”  Tina said “she’s right Liz, and it’s FREE!  When will you have another chance at free orthodontic treatment?  And I know you HATE the idea of having braces.  But, you won’t be alone.  There will be four of us at school starting treatment at the same time.  Pretty, pretty, please?”  Maybe it was the wine, but Liz said “if I do it, will you three quit beating me up over it?”  Tina said “oh come on, don’t be a baby, we aren’t beating you up.”  Maggie added “well, actually I might try that next.  To physically beat you up.  Come on!  Say yes!”  Despite the voice in her head screaming no, Liz looked at the other two and said “ok damn it, I will call them on Monday and tell them I am in.”  The two other women cheered.

Four weeks later Maggie pulled into the parking deck adjacent to the orthodontic department of the state university.  In addition to herself; Liz, Tina and Emily where in the car with her.  Emily was also a teacher and co-worker.  She was 35 years old, married and taught 10th grade English.  As they parked Maggie said “this is exciting.”  Emily added “and thank you for jumping on board Liz.  We will be the four amigos.”  The foursome entered the large reception area and saw a number of other women already there.  There were also 4 guys.  This was the orientation for the trial, all the participants where expected to be here.  After they signed in the four ladies sat and chatted.  After about 15 minutes a woman in scrubs entered the room and said “ladies and gents, if you would please follow me, we will get started”.  Liz could not take her eyes off the woman.  Protruding from her mouth was a shiny silver facebow.  And around her head was a complicated maze of cloth and plastic straps with a number of elastics attached, stretching from the complex straps on her head to the facebow that was so prominently sticking out of her mouth.  Liz sat frozen staring at her.  Maggie shook her on the shoulder and said “come on slowpoke, let’s go!”

As the large group of 60 people followed the woman into a large auditorium style classroom, Liz whispered to Maggie “what is that she is wearing?”  Maggie answered “she is wearing headgear.  That is interlandi headgear.  I am guessing we all might get headgear.”  Liz was shocked.  She asked “wait, what?  Headgear?  Nobody said anything about headgear.”  Maggie said “come on Liz.  You are the one that posted that flyer on the bulletin board.  It said ‘extraoral’ in big bold letters.”  Liz asked “wait, what do you mean?  I didn’t know what extraoral meant.  Are you saying it means headgear?”  Maggie replied “yes silly.  I thought you knew.  But don’t worry, if we do have to wear headgear, I am sure it will only be at night.”  Liz looked at her with wide eyes and said “you think we will have to wear headgear?”  Maggie said “maybe, probably, but again I am sure it will only be at night.”

Once everyone was seated and had settled down, an older bespectacled man in a white coat spoke into a microphone.  He said “Wecome!  I am Dr. Emmanuel Markisian.  I am the department head here and will be overseeing this trial.  Thank you for volunteering to participate in the exciting research we are performing here.  Everyone here will finish this trial up with a beautiful new smile.  Now let me explain a few more details about the trial, and then we can get all of you in the chair so we can get your spacers in and get you out of here so you can go enjoy the rest of your Saturday.”

Two hours later the four women were in the car and on their way back home.  In the front seat Tina had the visor flipped down examining her new spacers in the mirror.  She said “it feels like I have food stuck in my teeth.”  Emily replied “I did a little research on getting braces.  A lot of people say that spacers are the worst part. So if we can just get through the next week it should get better.  Right?”  Maggie said “I am sure it will.  But either way, we are getting braces for FREE!  I mean, if the four of us were paying for them it would be $20,000 or $30,000.  That is a LOT of money.”  Everyone but Liz agreed it was a lot of money.  Maggie looked in the rearview mirror at Liz and said “what is wrong with you?  You haven’t said a word today since we left the orientation.”

Liz said “I am terrified.  What have we gotten ourselves in to?  I mean, they said we can’t refuse any treatment and if we do or drop out we will be billed for our treatment.  And did you notice that ALL the assistants were wearing headgear?  That big huge headgear like that first woman had.  Are we going to have to wear that?”  Maggie said “yeah, we may.  But I am sure just at home.  And if you remember what the the head said, this is an ongoing trial and all their staff are participants.  So what if we have to wear headgear while we sleep.  It is all free.  And we all already signed the contract.  So we are committed now.”

As the three others excitedly chatted on the ride back, Liz sat silently digesting everything she had seen and heard that day.  Maybe there was a way she could get out of it, even if she knew the three others in the car would give her hell.  As if reading her mind Maggie said “Liz, don’t even think of trying to weasel out of this.  None of us are going to let you off the hook.  And do you remember what our assistant Tara told us?  That no one that had completed treatment ever regretted it?  Keep that in your mind.”

Liz certainly had something in her mind.  But it wasn’t that.  It was an image of the huge headgear that Tara had been wearing. 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #4 on: 04. June 2023, 01:56:32 AM »
Chapter Four.

Liz was a nervous wreck the whole next week.  Despite the  excited upbeat attitudes of her three friends and coworkers, Liz was dreading getting braces.  The revelation about headgear had hit her hard.  She really knew little about orthodontics and had done no research before signing the contract agreeing to participate.  Since Saturday, even though it was too late, she had scoured the internet trying to learn more.  Some of the appliances she had seen horrified her.  And some of the vlogs she had watched on Youtube had terrified her.  She was afraid she was in for a long two to three years of pain and humiliation.  One thing that she did know now is that a class II bite was an overbite. Like she had.  And one appliance used to treat it was headgear.  But it was almost always used on children, not in adults.  However, after rereading the flyer she had posted, she realized that is exactly what she had signed up for.  Testing headgear on adults.  One thing she did know for a fact is that she hated the spacers she had in her mouth.  She was so ready to get them out.  But she knew that when they were removed, she would simply be trading them in for braces.

She was scared of what her students would think when she showed up with braces the following Monday.  So that Friday, she had announced to each of her classes that she would be getting braces.  Most of the students seemed to completely ignore her announcement.  One exception was Alyssa Cantrell.  After the bell had wrung dismissing fifth period, Alyssa stopped at Liz’s desk.  She said “Miss Stevens, you did decide to start treatment.  Good for you.”

Liz had talked to Alyssa one other time about braces, the day after her initial consultation when they had spoken in the orthodontic office.  The next day in class Liz had noticed that Alyssa didn’t have springs anymore.  Liz had stopped her on the way out and said “Alyssa, congratulations!  Looks like you got your springs off.  Maybe I am your lucky charm!”  Alyssa had said “yes, I am so glad to get rid of those things.  But I don’t know….”  She had stopped herself and thought for a moment.  Alyssa continued “I am just glad the springs are gone.”  And that had been the extent of their discussion about braces, at least until now.

Back in the present as students filed into the classroom, Alyssa asked “so, were you able to find someone that would do the clear aligners?”  Liz said “no, I will be getting braces.  I signed up to be a part of some study, so they will be free.  But they will be braces.  I am going to ask for clear, but I’m not sure if they will.  But at least I will be able to get rid of these spacers.”  Alyssa said “tell me about it.  Spacers suck.  So, what else will you be getting?  Or just plain ‘ol braces?”  Liz answered “honestly, I don’t really know for sure.  They haven’t told us a whole lot.”  She thought for a second and asked “Alyssa, do you know anyone that has had headgear?”  Liz noticed Alyssa’s face turn a little red.

Alyssa said “oh god, did they tell you?  I begged them not to tell anyone.”  Liz was confused.  She asked “who told who what?”  Alyssa said “I thought Family Orthodontics had told you about me.”  Liz responded “you have completely lost me.  I was asking because I think I may be getting headgear.  I am just nervous about how horrible it is.”

Alyssa quickly said “Oh” and went silent for a few seconds.  She said “I apologize Miss Stevens, it’s just that… If I tell you something will you PROMISE not to tell anyone?  I haven’t told a soul, not even my bestie.  Nobody knows but my parents and my little brother.”  Liz was still lost, but said “of course Alyssa.  I don’t know where this is going, but if you ask for confidentiality I will give it to you.  Unless you have a bomb in your bag.  You don’t have a bomb do you?” and smiled at Alyssa.  Alyssa laughed and said “no Miss Stevens.  I promise.”

Alyssa continued “well, the reason they took my springs off was not because my bite was fixed.  They took them off because they weren’t working.  And they then fit me for headgear.  I have this huge combination headgear I have to wear 12 hours a day.”  The second bell wrung that told students they had only a minute to get to their next class.  Alyssa said “I’m sorry Miss Stevens, but I have to run.  But I don’t think they use headgear on adults.  I am sure you won’t have to worry about that.”  With that, Liz watched her run out the door.

The next day the four women finished up their lunch.  When they had first received their drinks, Maggie had raised her glass and said “cheers!  To our last meal with our old smiles.”  The four had clinked their glasses together, though Liz’s had been very half hearted.  As they talked, Tina asked if the others had received an email informing of them of what group they would be in. They all said they had.  And all were in group A.  Maggie had admitted that she had meddled a little, and asked the trial head if they could all be in the same group.  He had told her that participants were selected at random.  She said that she had explained they all lived an hour away and wanted to carpool to their appointments, and she hoped they could all be in the same group since appointments were in blocks.  He said he would see what he could do.  And it looked like he had, as they all ended up in the same group.

There were 10 people assembled in the waiting area; the four teachers, five other women, and one man; when a women in scrubs and an interlandi headgear entered the room.  She asked them to please come with her.  The group followed her down the hall, taking a left into a large treatment room.  There they were met with a line of 10 dental chairs.  Beside each was a person in a white coat; there were six women and four men.  And on the other side of each chair there was a dental assistant.  All the assistants were female.  And despite all wearing a face covering, the straps of the interlandi headgear they were wearing were visible on the heads of all ten women.  In the middle in front of the chairs stood Dr. Markisian.

Each of the study participants was seated in a chair.  Once all were seated Dr. Markisian said “welcome ladies and gentlemen!  This is an exciting day.  This is the day when your treatment begins in earnest.  You have each been assigned one of our second year students to administer your treatment, but they will all be overseen by our faculty here.  So, I will give you all a chance to get acquainted.  And then we get you all in some braces.”

The woman in the white coat hovering beside Liz said “Mish Shtevens, my name is Dr. Pamela Martin.  I will be your orthodontisht during your brayshes journey.  We are all sho exshited about thish.  And thiish is Tara, she will be asshisting you today.”  As she had been speaking, Liz wondered about the thick lisp she heard.  She couldn’t tell due to the face covering, but she wondered what in the world she had that caused her so much difficulty speaking.  Once she was done Dr. Martin stuck her hand out to shake.  When Liz raised her hand to return the gesture, she noticed it was shaking.  As did Dr. Martin.  Dr. Martin shook and then said “Missh Stevensh, I know thish ish a big day.  But I promish you we will take the best care of you.”  Liz said “thank you.  I am just scared.  I meant to ask earlier, but is there anyway I could get ceramic brackets?  And will I get headgear?”  Dr. Martin replied “I’m shorry, but no.  Sincsh thish ish a trial, we need to standardize care as much as possible.  So everyone will get the shame metal bracketsh.  But you will be glad.  I shtarted with ceramic and switched to metal.  They are more comfortable.  Ash for headgear, you won’t get it today.  And ash I tell all patients, letsh just focus on today and not stress about what the future might hold.”  Tara affirmed this by saying “you will do fine.  And metal brackets are more comfortable, I too started with ceramic and switched to metal.  And as for headgear, it isn’t the end of the world.  It is an adjustment for sure.  But not the end of the world.   And I remember you.  I put your spacers in last week.  Let me take them out for you now.  It will feel so good.”  As Dr. Martin lowered the chair down she said again “jusht relax, we will take the best of care of you.” 

Thirty minutes later Dr. Martin raised the chair back up.  She said “we are done!  They look sho good!”  As Tara handed her a mirror, Dr. Martin excitedly said “take a look!”

Liz held the mirror up in front of her face.  She noticed the mirror was shaking in her hand.  She gave the mirror a big smile.  When she saw her metallic reflection she quickly put the mirror face down.  A lone tear ran down her cheek.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #5 on: 04. June 2023, 02:03:26 AM »
I am trying to make this one a little more fast paced and to the point than past stories. Not sure if it works or not, but as always content feedback is always appreciated.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #6 on: 04. June 2023, 16:11:57 PM »
Chapter Five.

Dr. Martin looked down at Liz and noted the tear.  She said “Missh Shtevens, they look sho good on you.  Brayshes jusht seem to fit some people.  You are one of thosh people.  And in a week or two, you will jusht forget they are there.  Everyone ish going to get a hygiene kit when they leave.  My card will be in there if you have any questionsh or just want to chat.  Thank you for being such a great patient.  Tara will go over hygiene with you.  Once you are done, pleash wait in the reception area.  Dr. Markisian wantsh to addressh everyone before you leave.  Again, they look great.  You look great.  And you are going to do great!”

Liz was distracted as the assistant Tara went over care, hygiene, and dos and don’ts.  She kept feeling around her mouth with her lips and tongue.  The brackets felt so rough and foreign in her mouth.  At one point Tara stopped and said “they feel strange don’t they?  But after awhile, they will feel completely normal.  In the meantime, we will give you wax.”  She then continued on with her tutorial.  Once she got finished, Tara asked “so Miss Stevens, do you have any questions?”

Liz thought for a moment and asked “what’s it like being an adult with braces?”  Tara said “it’s no big deal.  The world just doesn’t care.  They will only be as big a deal as you make them in your head.”  Liz then said “we are going to get headgear aren’t we?  What’s it like?”  Liz answered “I can not speak to future appliances.  But if you DO get headgear, it will be ok.  I have had mine for 9 months now.  It was quite an adjustment for the first month.  I noticed all the looks in public.  Every single one. But I am used to them now.  And my husband teased me about it, but it was in a loving manner.  Now, it does help I think that all the other girls working here have it too.  When we go out to lunch, we sure get some looks.  But just remember, you are doing this for you.  And it is just a minor inconvenience for a healthy bite and smile that will last a lifetime.”  Liz said “thank you.  I hope you are right.  So, I need to go wait in the reception area now?”  Tara said “yes, I will escort you there.”

As Liz entered the reception area she noticed six of the other participants where already there, including Tina and Maggie.  Every single one of them had a mirror or phone up to their mouth examining the new orthodontia that now covered their teeth.  Once through the door Tara said “just wait here until everyone is done.  And you are going to do fine.  You will look back in a few years and think of this day as a day when everything changed.  For the better.”

Liz made her way over to Tina and Maggie.  Maggie looked up with a twinkle in her eye and exclaimed “Yay!  We did it!  We are on our way to new smiles!”  Liz did not share her enthusiasm and sat down glumly.  Maggie scooted over beside her and said “let me see!”  Liz gave her a halfhearted smile.  Maggie said “come on now, don’t be like that.  This is exciting!  Give me a big smile.  Please?”  Liz obliged.  Maggie said “they look great!  You look great with braces.”  Tina chimed in and said “you really do.  So much better than me.”  Maggie looked at Tina and said “stop that, you look great too!”  Turning back to Liz, Maggie said “open up wide for me!”  Liz simply stared at Maggie for a few seconds thinking that Maggie was enjoying this way too much.  But she went ahead and opened wide.  Maggie peered into her mouth.  Maggie said “you have molar bands with headgear tubes.  Just like the two of us.  I bet we all have them.”  They had been so engaged with each other they hadn’t noticed Emily approach.

As she walked up to the group she said “well, we did it.”  Maggie turned and said “yay!  We really did it!  Hey, lets get a picture!”  She approached a woman a few chairs over and exchanged words.  The women stood and approached the group with Maggie’s phone in her hand. Maggie gathered the four teachers together and said “come on silver sisters!”  They leaned in and tried to smile.  Liz realized that smiling was a whole new ballgame now with braces.  The woman with the phone said “cheese!” and quickly took a few photos before handing the phone back to Maggie.  Before she left she said “By the way, I am Janice.  I guess we will be seeing a lot of each other over the next few years.  I just wish I was as excited about this as you are.  I mean, I was super excited before.  But these braces have made things very real now.”  Liz said “Janice, I am Liz, and I am with you.”

They couldn’t talk further.  Dr. Markisian stood in front of the group and said “Congratulations everyone!  Before you leave, I want to thank you all.  You each have a bag up front with your name on it.  It has a hygiene care kit as well as your orthodontist’s contact information and a reminder card for your next followup appointment in six weeks.  If you can’t make it, or any future group appointments, please let us know as soon as possible so we can make arrangements.  We understand everyone is busy, so everyone will get three mulligans.  You can reschedule up to three appointments during your treatment.  But, as we do need to do this under a controlled environment, after those three complimentary reschedules, each additional reschedule will come with a $100 fee due at your appointment.  Also, while each of you will have customized care, for today everyone received the same exact braces.  We want to give everyone time to become accustomed to life with braces before we move further along with your treatment.  If you have any emergencies, they will be handled by one of our affiliates local to you.  That information is also in your bag.  And that wraps it up for today.  Thank you all again, have a great weekend, and be sure to grab your bag when you leave!”

The ride home for the girls was quieter than the previous week.  Maggie was as chatty as usual, maybe even more than normal.  She seemed oblivious to the new metal in her mouth.  The other three women were not as lucky.  They noticed the rough, sharp brackets assaulting their lips when they spoke.  Arriving back in the school parking, the women all departed and went their separate ways.  Liz was going to head home.  She planned to hide in her apartment and nurse her mouth, which was now beginning to really hurt.

As she unlocked her front door, she heard the door behind her open.  She turned to see her neighbor Tim.  She bumped into him regularly, so they had spoken a good bit over the past several months.  Liz thought he was attractive.  And funny and charming.  And he had, she thought, flirted with her several times.  She normally looked forward to bumping into him.  This was not one of those times.

He said “hey neighbor!  How is your Saturday?”  Liz turned towards him.  She realized she was holding the bag that had “University Orthodontics” emblazoned across it.  She tried to hide it behind her back.  Liz just stood there staring at him.  Tim said “cat got your tongue?”  She wanted to run into her apartment and hide.  But she knew that would be weird.  So she tried to speak without showing her teeth.  She said “I’m fine.  Tired”. Tim looked at her and tilted his head.  He said “you don’t seem your usual bubbly self.”  Liz said “I’m not.”  Tim said “I saw the bag you are trying so hard to hide.  I hope your mouth isn’t hurting.”  Liz was mortified.  Her face turned red.  Tim said “no, I didn’t mean anything by that.”  Liz said “oh God, I might as well just tell you.  I got braces.  It is so embarrassing.”

Tim said “congratulations.  That is exciting!  I had braces for 3 years.  When did you get them?” Liz answered “about 2 hours ago.”  Tim said “oh wow, so they are brand new.  If you need any tips on dealing with them, I’m your man.  And you don’t want me to see them do you?”

Liz hesitantly gave him a smile.  He exclaimed “wow, you look great.  You have no reason to be embarrassed.  They look good on you.”  Liz didn’t even realize she did it, but hearing this made her smile a little wider.  She said “thank you.  Even if it is a white lie.”  Tim replied “nope, I am dead serious.”  Liz said “thank you.  I am tired and stressed out though.  I need to go lay down.  But thank you for being understanding.”  Tim responded “of course.  I remember when I got braces in 9th grade.  Boy they bothered me for a few days.  A couple of tips.  Go ahead and take some Tylenol or Advil.  And if they gave you wax, use it.”  Liz said “thank you.”  As she opened her door Tim said “seriously, you look great.”  Liz realized she was blushing again.  Only this time it wasn’t from embarrassment.

Liz had taken Tim’s advice and taken a couple of Advil.  And she had put a bunch of wax over the brackets that were digging into her lips the most.  She was on her second glass of wine when she heard a knock at the door.  When she opened it she found Tim standing there with a white plastic bag in his hands.  He said “I was afraid you might not feel like messing with dinner.  So I brought you a little something.  It should all be manageable with your new braces.”  Liz stood there, her mind racing.  She took the bag from him and said “thank you, you really shouldn’t have”.  He stood there looking at her.  She asked “would you like to come inside?”

Offline Bracetee11

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #7 on: 04. June 2023, 20:29:43 PM »
Great story!

Offline napacaster

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #8 on: 05. June 2023, 02:00:54 AM »
Excellent story! I am really enjoying it.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #9 on: 05. June 2023, 18:48:16 PM »
Chapter Six.

Tim followed Liz into her tiny dining area.  She placed the bag on the table.  She looked at Tim and said "thank you so much.  Again you really shouldn't have."  She continued "but I want to be upfront with you, I am not looking to date at all right now.  I don't want you to think I am leading you on.  It's just that, well, I'm not feeling very pretty right now and could use some company.  If you want to leave, I will completely understand."

Tim looked at her and asked "can we sit?"  After they were seated, Tim continued "Liz, you made it abundantly clear when we first met you are not able to date right now.  I think that was maybe the fourth thing you told me when we first met.  I know you just got out of a divorce.  I completely respect that.  I brought you dinner because it is the neighborly thing to do.  There is too little random kindness in the world.  I try to contribute when I can.  And maybe it will help offset some of the things I have done in my past.  I didn't bring you this to try to, well, you know."

Liz was a little shocked by someone, especially a man she barely knew, being so upfront and honest with her.  She wasn't used to it after her previous five years of marriage.   She said "thank you for understanding.  And how presumptuous of me to think you would be one bit attracted to someone with braces." 

Tim responded "with all due respect, that is ridiculous.  Liz, you are a beautiful woman.  Yesterday you were a beautiful woman without braces.  Tonight you are a beautiful woman with braces.  That is it, it is as simple as that.  Any man would be crazy not to be attracted to you.  But they would have to be an as**ole not to respect your situation."

Liz sat there speechless, a slight red hue on her cheeks.  Did Tim just call her beautiful?  She stammered "well, I, um... thank you?"

Tim could see that Liz was flustered.  He changed the subject by saying "so, since you just got those, I bet you haven't tried to eat anything yet.  Let me just forewarn you, it is different.  But lucky for you, your neighbor Tim knows all about it.  I don't know what you like to eat.  Or if you are vegan, or lactose intolerant, or anything like that.  So, I just winged it."  He reached over and removed two styrofoam boxes and a styrofoam cup from the bag and placed them on the table.  As he popped the lids open he said "we have mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, and sauteed spinach.  I put the gravy for the potatoes in a separate cup.  And for a meat we have some baked lemon pepper grouper.  And you may hate it all, but it is easy to eat."

Liz looked at the food and said "you are so thoughtful.  Did you fix all this?  For me?"  Tim replied "I did.  Hopefully I did a decent job."  Liz felt something inside her.  This attractive man had gone to the trouble to fix her dinner.  She said "I am not vegan or vegetarian or lactose intolerant, or any of that kind of thing.  I LOVE fish.  And mashed potatoes and mac n cheese.  Spinach, not so much.  It looks delicious.  Again, THANK YOU!"

Tim said "well good, I got lucky.  Do you feel like trying it?"

Liz asked "is this weird?  That you are about to watch me eat?  And have you eaten?  I don't want to just eat in front of you."  Tim said "maybe it is weird, but life is weird.  Maybe I want to be your braces life coach?  Maybe that is why I was put on this earth?"  Tim laughed and then continued "and I have eaten, I was snacking and sampling things along the way.  So, don't feel bad about eating in front of me.  The first thing you need to do is remove that wax from your braces."  Liz said "oh gosh, I hadn't even thought of that.  Let me go to the bathroom."  Tim said "you don't need to do that.  Just do it here.  You aren't going to gross or weird me out.  I promise I have seen a lot more gruesome things in my life than a pretty woman removing wax from her braces."  Liz thought to herself 'did he just call me pretty?  Again?'.  She said "no, it isn't even that, I need a mirror."  Tim responded "fair enough.  But why don't we try something else?  If you are ok with it, let me do it for you.  Again, just as your braces life coach."  Liz looked at him unsure how to respond.  She finally said "ok."  Tim scooted her beside her and said "open up."  As Tim reached into her mouth and removed the first clump of wax Liz felt a shiver go through her body.

Once he had deposited the little balls of wax on a napkin, he moved back over to the chair across from Liz.  He said "that wax looks fresh.  You can probably reuse it after you get done eating, brushing, and flossing.  That is another thing about having braces.  Not only is eating different, you will become a pro at brushing and flossing.  Because you will have to do it all the time.  Why don't you eat, and I will tell you all I remember from high school."

As Liz ate, Tim talked about his high school days.  She had already told him it was all delicious.  Even the spinach.  His story wasn't all about his braces, but he interwove them in his story.  He had been a just above average student but had been athletic playing both baseball and football.  He relayed his one big braces emergency in high school, when a ground ball had taken a funny hop at third base and instead of landing in his glove had landed in his mouth.  He also talked about dating, and that him and his steady girlfriend had braces together for over a year.  And that as hard as they tried, they had never managed to get them stuck together.  Liz looked up from her food when he said "but probably the worst part of braces for me was the headgear.  That bastard made me wear headgear for two of the three years I had my braces.  Or tried to make me.  I wasn't good about it.  That is why it took me three years instead of two."

Liz asked "how bad was it?  Did it hurt?"

Tim said "no, not really.  Well, at first it did.  Like the first two weeks.  But it was just the fact that I was, if I do say so myself, a strapping stud.  Who then at night was supposed to go home and wear headgear.  It was a real dichotomy in my brain.  It was just weird more than anything.  Looking back, being maybe just a little more mature now than I was then, I wish I had just worn it like I was supposed to and gotten it over with.  Just bit the bullet so to speak.  But, I was a hormone addled 16 year old.  So being a good orthodontic patient was nowhere to be found on my priority list."

Liz weighed what she was about to say.  Should she tell him?  He was being honest and upfront with her she thought.  So she decided to do the same with him.  Liz said "I am pretty certain I am going to get headgear.  I am terrified of the thought."

Tim said "wow, really.  They told you that you would be getting headgear?"

Liz said "no, not exactly.  I have never had braces but was wanting to fix a few things in my smile.  And I figured this was the perfect time.  I'm single, not dating, and making a fresh start.  I am working on myself a lot.  So I figured why not work on my smile too.  But when I heard it would be $7,500 I scratched it off my list.  Until I was given an opportunity to get them for free.  I signed up to be a part of an orthodontic study.  Actually four of us at school did.  Or more accurately, three of the other girls jumped at the chance and then shamed me into joining them.  So, we are all getting braces for free, but with some caveats.  We had to get metal braces instead of ceramic.  And we have to agree to whatever treatment they tell us to.  No questions asked.  Or we have to pay for the treatment.  I didn't understand all the nomenclature when I signed up for it.  I just wanted free braces.  I didn't realize that 'extraoral' means headgear until after I had signed the contract and had gotten my spacers.  Tim, I signed up for a study on the effectiveness of headgear on adults without even realizing it.  I am such a big dummy."

Tim reached over for her hand.  Liz let him take it.  He said "you are NOT a dummy.  Not at all.  No one knows everything.  And you having never had braces, who would expect you to know orthodontic lingo?  And so what if you have to get headgear?  Then you will just be a beautiful woman with headgear.  In the whole cosmic scheme of things, it is just a tiny blip, almost imperceptible on radar."  Liz realized that for the third time tonight Tim had called her pretty or beautiful.  She thought it so strange to hear someone call her beautiful.  Nonetheless, it did make her heart flutter a bit.

When Liz finished eating, she said "well, I guess I need to brush and floss.  They gave me this big bag full of different brushes, and floss, and these little paddle things.   They showed me how to use them all, but I am not sure I will remember how.  This is going to be an ugly mess I'm sure.  Tim, thank you for dinner."  Tim said "if you want me to leave, I certainly will.  But first, how about I help you?   Maybe show you what everything is, how to use it?  It has been over 10 years since I had to do it.  But I bet it is like riding a bike.  You don't ever really forget.  And I can get that piece of spinach out of your brackets."  Liz slapped her hand over her mouth.  From behind it she said "oh, how embarrassing."  Tim replied "Liz, it isn't embarrassing at all.  It is just part of having braces.  I promise you it won't be the last time you get some food stuck in them.  It is just part of it.  But, it isn't embarrassing."

Liz sat and thought about that for a second.  She was embarrassed at the thought of her neighbor, or was he her friend, helping her.  Actually, she was embarrassed about this whole thing.  But she realized she might could use some help.  She looked at him and said "promise you won't get grossed out? And promise me you won't think less of me or something?"  Tim said "I promise not to get grossed out.  And I don't even know why you said that last part.  Why in the world would I think less of you?  Come on, let's go to your bathroom."

Tim watched Liz in the mirror as she brushed.  He gave her a couple of little pointers as she did.  Then she pulled out the little proxy brush and asked "what do I do with this?"  Tim took it and said "let me show you."  As he explained that you used it to brush under the wire between brackets he was doing it for Liz.  Once again, she felt a shiver go through her body.  Once he was done he rinsed the brush off in the sink and said "and it is as easy as that.  Now flossing, flossing is a little bit more involved.  I had to use a floss threader and run it behind the wire on every tooth.  It took SO long.  So, I wasn't the best flosser.  But, it looks like they gave you the little floss paddles.  I saw a commercial for them and think I know how they work.  Let me see if I am right." 

As Tim flossed her teeth, Liz couldn't get over how strange this whole situation was.  But she also couldn't get over how attracted to Tim she was.  Once Tim was done, he said "and that is it.  Unfortunately, you need to do this after every meal."  Liz said "ugh.  Well maybe it will help me lose this 10 pounds I have been trying to lose forever."  Tim looked at her in the mirror and said "you don't need to lose anything, you look perfect."  Liz went silent.  Before, she was ready for him to leave.  Now, she wanted him to stay.  She said "Tim, I have no idea what I am doing.  But it has been so long since someone told me I was pretty.  Or did anything nice for me.  Oh gosh I am rambling."  She went quiet as Tim watched her in the mirror.  Finally she asked "would you like to watch TV with me?"  Tim replied "I would love that."

When they sat down on the couch, Tim sat a very respectable distance away from Liz.  In fact, he sat on the opposite end of the couch from her.  She wondered if she had read this all wrong.  Maybe he really was just being neighborly and had no attraction to her.  I mean, despite what he had said, she did have braces.  How could he be attracted to her?

As they watched a movie they had both seen they chatted.  At one point in the movie the two characters on screen kissed. Liz scooted over on the couch beside Tim.  She was afraid he might recoil, but he didn't.   Liz looked at Tim and asked "what is it like to kiss with braces?"  Tim said "it is different at first.  You can't press too hard or the brackets dig into your lips.  But you get used to it."  Liz wanted Tim to kiss her.  She was hoping that question would be the hint he needed.  It wasn't. She leaned over towards him and said "I would like to see what it feels like."  Tim said "Liz, I would love to be the one to show you.  But I don't want to be responsible for something that you regret."  Liz looked him in the eyes and softly said "I am not going to regret it if you kiss me.  I am going to regret it if you don't."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #10 on: 05. June 2023, 23:34:37 PM »
Chapter Seven.

Tim leaned in and kissed Liz.  He was very careful to be gentle.  Their lips lingered for several seconds until she pulled back.  She looked him in the eyes and said “it IS different.”  Tim said “I hope I didn’t hurt you.  Did I do a decent job?  I was trying to be extra careful.”  Liz stared into his eyes, a bit lost.  It had been a long time since she had kissed anyone.  And an even longer time since she had wanted to kiss anyone.  She said “no, you didn’t hurt me.  And I am not sure if you did a good job.  I need a second opinion.”  She leaned in and kissed him.  She was a little more aggressive than he had been.  She slipped her tongue in his mouth.  He reciprocated.  They were busy making out when she suddenly jerked back and said “Ouch!”  Tim was startled and said “oh, I am so sorry.  Did I hurt you?”  Liz looked at him and said “no, I hurt myself.  And you have no reason to apologize.  That was wonderful.  Thank you.”

Liz curled up against his shoulder.  She said “I meant what I said earlier about not being ready to be in a relationship.  Not yet.  But I am a woman.  And it has been a long time since I have had a man pay me any attention.  I do not want to lead you on.  But would it be ok if we just snuggle on the couch?  As friends?  Maybe as friends that kiss each other from time to time?”  Tim wrapped his arm around her and said “I would love that.”

They started watching a second movie, mostly in silence, simply holding one another.  Tim was attracted to Liz.  But he more than anything else wanted to let her dictate the pace.  He thought he probably could talk her into the bedroom that night.  But he also knew she would probably end up regretting it afterwards.  And resenting if not flat out hating him.  So, he simply held her.  About 2/3 of the way through the movie he realized Liz had fallen asleep.  He gently woke her.  He looked at her “hey, let’s get you to bed.”  She stared back at him, the thoughts racing in her head.  Was she ready for this?  This seems too soon.  He looked at her and said “I mean, let me escort you to bed and get you tucked in.  I will see myself out and lock the door behind me.”  She let out an internal sigh of relief and replied “thank you.  You are sweet.”  Once she was tucked in, Tim leaned over and gave her a gentle peck on the lips.  He raised up and whispered “sweet dreams beautiful.”  Liz watched him walk across the room to the light switch.  And then the room went dark.  She heard the door latch.  She was sleepy, but as she drifted off she was replaying the night in her mind and wondering exactly what had just happened.

The next morning she awoke in pain.  Her lips were raw, she felt like she had slept with a cheese grater in her mouth.  And her whole mouth just ached.  She knew this was from the brackets and wires putting force on her teeth.  She got out of bed and went down the hall.  Her small apartment only had one bathroom, located off the hall.  She knew she needed to brush and floss.  But first she needed a couple of Advil.  When she flipped the lights on in the bathroom she saw something on the counter beside the sink.  There was a note, a glass of water beside it, and two Advil laying on the note.  She knew Tim had left them for her.  And she melted just a little bit.  She picked the two advil up and quickly washed them down with a swig of water.  Then she picked up the note.  It read:

‘I had a wonderful time last night.  I hope I didn’t overstep any bounds.  If I did, I apologize.  And if I did, please tell me. 

I hope you slept wonderfully.  And that your mouth isn’t hurting too bad as you read this.  If you would every like some company to watch TV, I would feel honored to be that person.’

He signed it with a smiley face, his name, and his phone number.  Liz held the note up to her chest.  She had completely forgotten about the pain in her mouth.  She was consumed by this little gesture.  It was a little thing.  But it was so, so thoughtful.  Someone had done something nice.  For her.  But now, what should she do?  Should she call him?  Ignore him and see what he did?  Go knock on his door?  She was completely lost.  She needed some advice.  She thought about calling her Mom.  But that didn’t feel right.  She knew her Mom would tell her to run away, that the last thing she needed right now was a man in her life.  But Liz wasn’t sure about this.  Her head might have told her this.  But her heart was telling her something else.  She decided to call Maggie.  Yes, it was early on a Sunday morning.  But Maggie owed her.  Maggie was the reason she had these infernal braces on her teeth.  And with that thought, she again noticed the pain in her mouth.

Liz dialed Maggie.  She answered on the fourth ring.  Maggie said “are you calling to rub my face in it?  I am sorry ok.  I had no idea they would hurt this much.  I am sorry.”  Liz giggled and replied “good morning to you.  I actually called you for some advice.  In no way related to braces.  But, I take it your mouth is hurting?  Mine is too.”  Maggie said “I am dying here.  Just miserable.  I was SO excited yesterday to finally get braces.  Secretly, I have wanted them my whole life.  Now I have had to hide my pliers so I won’t rip them off myself.”  Liz laughed and said “it can’t be that bad.  And if it is, I will rub your nose in it a little and remind you that you were the ringleader of our little circus.  Have you taken any pain killers?  Last night or this morning? Have you been able to eat.”  On the other end Maggie snickered “eat?  I don’t know if I will ever be able to eat again.  I tried to eat a sandwich last night and it was impossible.”  This made Liz think of Tim.  And how sweet he had been to bring her a dinner she could manage.  Liz said “I’m sorry boo.  What are you doing now?  What do you say we meet up for breakfast.  I am sure it will at least smell delicious.  And getting out of the house might help take your mind of it.  I was planning on hiding in my apartment until I got these implements of torture removed.  But things may have changed.   I need your advice on it.”  Maggie responded “well, you have certainly piqued my curiosity.  Is it something about school?”  Liz said “no.”.  Maggie said “well, you said it isn’t about braces.  And it isn’t about school.  Are you thinking about buying a house or a new car?”  Liz said “no.”  Maggie asked “is it about a boy?”  There was silence on the other end of the line.  Maggie screeched “it’s about a boy isn’t it?  Oh I don’t feel like going out.  But I am on my way over.  Wait, unless he is still there.  He isn’t is he?”  Liz laughed and said “no, it is nothing like that.  I just need a little advice.”  Maggie said “I will be there in 15 minutes.”

Offline Bruss88

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #11 on: 06. June 2023, 01:59:24 AM »
Great story! Seems to be about right pace and level of detail. Lots of possibilities for relationships to develop.

Offline bugbathe43

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #12 on: 06. June 2023, 03:59:35 AM »
Very good!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #13 on: 06. June 2023, 06:09:53 AM »
Chapter Eight.

Fifteen minutes later there was a knock on her door.  Liz opened the door to find Maggie standing there.  She was dressed in shorts, t-shirt, and flip-flops.  She had her hair up, like she hadn’t wanted to take the time to fool with it, or just wasn’t feeling up to it.  She had put on some make up, which was more than Liz could say.  As soon as she opened the door, Maggie walked inside.  As she headed towards the couch, Maggie said “ok, tell me all about it.  I want all the juicy details.”

Liz sat down beside her and relayed the previous night.  Of bumping into her neighbor and feeling mortified about her new braces.  Of him fixing and bringing her dinner.  Of him helping her with her braces.  Of her initiating the kiss.  Of falling asleep in his arms.  Of him not trying to take advantage of the situation.  Of helping her to bed.  And finally the note she found.  She got up and walked to the bathroom.  She returned and handed the note to Maggie.  She quickly read it and looked up with wide eyes.

Maggie said “OH MY GOSH.  This is the sweetest thing I have ever seen.  You have to be pulling my leg.  This doesn’t happen in real life.  This only happens in Hallmark movies.  What are you going to do?”  Liz said “I have no idea what to do.  It has been so long since I have dated.  You tell me.  What should I do?”

Maggie thought for a moment and asked “well, what is wrong with him?  Does he have a hunchback?  Does he look like Quasimodo?”  Liz swatted her and said “no, he is so cute.  And sweet.  And I felt some things last night I haven’t felt in years and years.  But I don’t want to mess it up before I can even see where it goes.”

Maggie said “well, he likes you.  I mean, I don’t know how much. But no one does what he did if they don’t like the person.  Let me ask you, have you done with him like you have every other guy you have met since you moved back here?  Every time you see him, do you say ‘Hi, I’m Liz, I don’t want to date you’?”  Liz gasped “I don’t do that!”  Maggie just looked at her. And Liz realized that is how she had approached him.  Liz said “is that the way it comes off?  It is isn’t it?  I hadn’t even thought about it.  I am horrible.”  Maggie said “you are not horrible.  Not at all.  You are coming out of a bad situation.  Getting your feet back under you.  Finding your equilibrium.  But, if you told him all that, and he still did all that, I think he definitely likes you.”  Liz thought about what Maggie had said.  She asked “so, what do I do?”

Maggie said “I don’t really know.  I need to meet this unicorn.  He sounds too good to be true.  I need to get a read on him before I tell you what I think.  He lives in the apartment across from you?”  Maggie got up and went into the kitchen and opened the small cupboard.  Liz followed her in and asked “what are you doing?”  Maggie pulled out an unopened jar of peanut butter and turned towards Maggie holding it triumphantly.  She said “this is perfect.”  Liz said “what in the world are you talking about?”  Maggie said “I am starving.  I haven’t been able to eat a thing since I got my braces on yesterday.  I think I might could handle some peanut butter.  But neither of us can get the lid off.  I am going to knock on your neighbors door and ask for some help.”  Liz said “No!  It is Sunday morning.  Don’t bother him.”

Maggie said “you wanted my help.  I am going to help.  I promise you, if what you have told me is true, he won’t be upset at all.  He will be glad to help the damsels in distress.  And if he is upset, which he won’t be, he will be upset at me.”  Liz watched with trepidation as Maggie walked out her door into the breezeway of her apartment.  Her stomach was doing summersaults.  She hoped Maggie was right.  But she couldn’t bear to watch it unfold, so she closed the door behind Maggie.  She sat down on the couch and watched her knee nervously twitch up and down.

Out in the breezeway, Maggie knocked on Tim’s door.  A few moments later it opened.  Maggie was momentarily stunned.  Liz had not been lying.  In front of her was a fairly trim yet muscular man about 6’ tall with broad shoulders, blue eyes, sandy hair and a rugged yet handsome tanned face.  She noticed he had a slight scar above and behind his left eye.  But it didn’t detract from him, it simply added to his rugged look.  She couldn’t tell what it was, but there was a tattoo on his upper right arm peeking down below the hem of his t-shirt.  He was wearing shorts and Sperry boat shoes, which revealed his muscular legs.  No, she thought, he is certainly not Quasimodo.  Maggie said “Hi!  I am Maggie Rogers.  I think Liz told you she and three of her friends got braces yesterday.  I am one of those friends.  And I am sorry to bother you.  But I have not been able to eat anything since lunch yesterday.  Liz has a jar of peanut butter.  I was wanting to see if I could eat some of it.  I am starving.  Surely I can manage a few spoonfuls of peanut butter.  But neither of us can get the lid off.  Can you please help me?”

Tim looked at her and smiled.  Maggie immediately noticed the silver wire running across his top teeth.  Was he wearing a retainer?  It sure looked like it.  He said “Maggie, it is wonderful to meet you.  And you are not bothering me.  I was being useless and watching TV.  I would be more than happy to offer my help.  Maybe I can get that lid off.”

Liz was astonished when Tim followed Maggie into her apartment.  Then she was mortified.  She looked just the way she had when she rolled out of bed.  She was stuck.  Should she run down the hall and try to freshen up?  Or should she go and try to hide behind a curtain?  Tim didn’t give her either option.  Before he tackled the jar of peanut butter he walked up to her.  He said “good morning Liz.  You look wonderful this morning.  Did you sleep well?  Is your mouth bothering you too much?”  Liz was captivated by him.  She shyly said “yes, I did sleep well.  And my mouth hurts a little.  But it would be hurting more I’m sure if someone hadn’t left some Advil out for me.  Thank you for that.  Thank you for last night.”  He looked at her and replied “so you found my note.  I meant everything in it.  If I overstepped my bounds, or made any miss steps, please let me know.”  Liz replied “no, you did not.  You were perfect.”  Maggie looked on as the two maintained eye contact, saying nothing.  She could feel the heat between them.

Finally, Tim broke off his gaze and asked “where is this peanut butter that needs an attitude adjustment?”  Maggie brought the jar over to him.  He opened it effortlessly and handed it back to Maggie.  He said “here you go.  But you said you haven’t eaten since yesterday?  But you haven’t tried my cheesy grits and cheesy scrambled eggs.  Give me about 10 minutes.  I will bring you something you can eat.  Both of you.”  As he darted out the door he said “I will be right back.”

After he was gone Maggie looked over at Liz.  She said “he seems amazing.  And he likes you.  A lot.”

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #14 on: 06. June 2023, 19:11:48 PM »
Chapter Nine.

Liz went into the bathroom.  She frantically worked on her hair, trying to tame some of the bedhead she had going on, then applied some makeup.  Maggie had followed her into the bathroom.  She was asking questions about Tim that Liz had no answer for.  She realized as sweet and as handsome as he was, she really didn't know much about him.  Once she was done with her hair and makeup, she hurried into her bedroom.  She quickly shed the shorts and baggy shirt she had on and slipped a sundress on.  She was just slipping her feet into a pair of sandals when she heard a knock on the door.  Maggie and Liz both hurried to the door. 

When they opened the door they found Tim standing there, both hands full.  In one he had a plate of steaming scrambled eggs, in the other a bowl of grits.  He smiled at them, revealing once again his retainer wire, and said "breakfast is served!"  They welcomed him inside, and he sat the food on the dining room table.  Liz went into into the kitchen and retrieved three plates and accompanying silverware.  She looked at Tim and said "thank you."  He said "it is completely my pleasure.  And you didn't have to change on my account.  But you look incredible."  Once again their gaze lingered.  Maggie said "it smells delicious.  And I am starving!  Thank you.  Please, please join us?"

Tim said "sure, I would love that.  Who could turn down such beautiful and charming company?"  Liz was blushing as he pulled her chair back and seated her.  He then pulled back Maggie's chair, and finally he sat.  As the two ladies spooned food onto their plates, Tim looked at Maggie and said "I'm sorry your mouth is bothering you.  But it will get better.  Even if it hurts now, you need to eat.  I think you will be able to handle this."  After the ladies were done fixing their plates, Tim did the same.  He looked at the two woman and said "excuse me, can I borrow your bathroom?  I need to remove my retainers."  Liz thought of the night before, when he had removed the wax from her mouth.  She placed her hand on his arm and said "no need for that, just do it here."  Tim asked "you sure?  It will be kind of slobbery."  She assured him it was ok.  He pulled a gray pop top retainer case out of his pocket and placed it on the table.  He quickly reached up with both hands, placing his index fingers on each side of the labial bow, and popped his top retainer out.  He placed it in the case.  He then repeated the process with his lower retainer, only this time he used his thumbs to pop it out.  He placed it in the case, snapped it shut, and then placed it back in his pocket.  He then looked over at Liz and smiled.

Liz had been fixated watching him.  She wondered how something as simple as removing a set of retainers could be so sexy.  Her thought was interrupted by Maggie asking "so, do you wear those every night?"  Tim turned towards her and replied "sadly, I do not.  I should, but I don't.  But last night reminded me I should do a better job of it.  Liz was my inspiration." 

As they began to eat, Tim said "so Maggie, Liz says you two work together.  And that four of you all got braces together yesterday.  How are the other two feeling this morning?"  Maggie said "oh my, I have been so focused on my own pity party, I haven't even checked in with them.  Not last night, not this morning.  How awful of me.  Liz, have you checked on Tina or Emily?"  Liz sheepishly responded "no, I have had a lot of other things on my mind".  She shyly looked up into Tim's face, making eye contact with him once again.  Maggie continued "once we get done eating, I will shoot them a text.  You know, we really need a group text anyway.  So we can all complain about our braces together."  Tim laughed and said "it will get better.  Before you know it you won't even notice them."  Liz said "my assistant told me the same thing.  I don't see how, but I guess we will see."

Maggie was curious about Tim.  She wanted to vet him for her friend.  She asked "Tim, so other than being a wonderful short order cook, what do you do?"

Tim responded "well, that is a little complicated.  I do a lot of things.  I am in school now.  Working on a business degree.  I know, I got a late start.  But, I enlisted in the Navy right out of high school.  I spent 10 years there and got out last year.  And as soon as I was out, I enrolled.  But, I spent my summer at the beach.  I ran fishing charters during the day, and I bartended at night.  It was a grind for sure.  And Redbull should have me on some kind of profit sharing plan.  But, I made enough money to get me through the year.  The Navy is paying for school.  By busting my tail this the summer, I can concentrate on school now.  That is my plan for now, bust my tail on the coast during the summer, and get my degree the other nine months.  I promise you, it isn't luxurious.  I have a little travel trailer I stay in down there.  It is cramped and spartan.  But I am only there a few hours each night for a little rest.  And it has air conditioning, a toilet, and a mattress.  I have slept on the ground enough, that those things seem like a luxury at times.  And I will be honest, I have to study a lot.  I shouldn't admit this to two teachers, but classroom and book learning isn't my strongest suit.  I tend to learn better by doing.  But so far, I have managed to struggle my way through it.  I know I won't graduate with a 4.0.  But I WILL graduate.  Speaking of studying, I really need to do that today.  I have imposed on you two ladies enough already."  Tim stood and walked over to Liz.  Maggie looked on and thought he looked unsure of what to do.  He reached down and gave Liz a hug.  She hugged him back.  He straightened back up and said "Maggie, it was such a pleasure to meet you.  And Liz it was wonderful to see you again.  It makes my morning. Maybe we can watch TV again sometime?"  Liz looked up at him and breathlessly said "I would love that."  Maggie said "hey, what about your dishes?"  Tim said "you girls put those leftovers in the fridge.  I will get them another time."  And with that, he turned and walked out the door.

After he was gone Maggie looked over at Liz and said "he seems too good to be true."  Liz said "he is incredible.  But now what do I do?  I am as lost as I was before."  Maggie said "just take it slow." 

After they ate, Liz carried the dishes into the kitchen and rinsed them off in the sink.  Maggie carried the bowl and plate and placed them on the counter.  Liz got a couple of plastic snaptop food storage containers and scraped the leftovers into them.  She then rinsed those off in the sink, and then placed all the dishes into the dishwasher.  As the dishwasher ran, the two ladies sat in the living room talking and texting back and forth.  Maggie had set up a group text for the four of them, she had titled it "Bracefaced Babes". 

They texted back and forth, relaying how their first night and first morning with braces had gone.  Both Tina's and Emily's mouths were hurting too.  And they too were finding eating a real challenge.  And both of them mentioned how different kissing was.  Liz knew that Emily was married.  She looked over at Maggie and said "I didn't know that Tina had a boyfriend."  Maggie looked at her and said "if I tell you something, will you keep it a secret?  And promise me it won't freak you out?"  Liz was confused but agreed.  Maggie said "Tina doesn't have a boyfriend.  She has a girlfriend.  She tries to be discreet about it.  And she hates the idea that she is the cliche lesbian PE coach.  Please don't tell her I told you.  Please."  Liz was dumbfounded.   She responded "wow!.  I would have never guessed."  After a few minutes of silence Liz said "good for her.  I guess me and you are the only single ones."   Maggie looked over at Liz and said "I think that is your choice right now.  There is a man 100' away that would change that for you.  Speaking of which, I need to run another little errand.  I heard the dishwasher cut off."

Holding the dishes in one hand, Maggie knocked on the door.  Tim answered wearing the same clothes he had on before.  When he smiled at her she noticed he was not wearing his retainers.  For some reason this disappointed her.  She smiled back at him anyway, proudly showing off her new, painful braces.  Tim said "hey stranger!  Long time no see."  Maggie said "we wanted to return these to you.  We washed them, it is the least we could do.  And I know you are busy studying.  But do you have a few minutes to talk?"  He said "of course, please come in."

Maggie followed Tim into the kitchen, where he placed the dishes on the counter.  As he walked he asked "what's up?  What can I do for you?"  After he placed them on the counter and turned to face her, Maggie responded "maybe I shouldn't meddle.  But I am anyway.  Liz likes you.  But she is confused.  She doesn't want to get hurt again.  She is still wounded.  And I won't see her get hurt again.  I am being too upfront.  But what are your intentions with her?"

Tim reached up and scratched his chin.  He looked at Maggie and said "I don't know exactly.  But my intentions are not to take advantage of her or hurt her.  I hope I made that clear to her last night.  She has told me about her situation and about the divorce.  Not all the gory details.  But enough to know she isn't able to date.  She has made that abundantly clear.  Multiple times.  But Maggie, I like her too.  And while she tells me she doesn't want a man in her life, any man, her body language tells me something different.  And the way we look at each other...  I too am confused and lost on how to proceed.  But I know one thing.  The only thing I do know in regards to us.  I don't want to hurt her.  Even if that means I have to just leave her alone.  I have hurt enough people in my life.  I don't want to hurt her."

Maggie asked "so you don't want to just sleep with her and leave her in the ditch?"  Tim replied "well, you certainly get right to the point.  No, that is not what I want at all."  Maggie said "don't hurt her.  DO NOT hurt her.  Take it slow.  Don't pressure her.  Let her take the lead, at least at first.  I will take care of the rest."

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #15 on: 07. June 2023, 00:30:18 AM »
Chapter Ten.

The next morning Liz entered her classroom.  She had severe anxiety about what her students would think, and possibly say, about their teacher now having a mouth full of metal braces.  At the beginning of each class she addressed her students and asked them to be patient with her as she learned to navigate speaking with them.  And to excuse some of the funny movements her lips made.  She only had one miss hap.  In her third period class they were currently learning about Columbus’ discovery of the Americas.  As she was naming off the ships, her lip got hung on a bracket when she said Santa Maria.  She felt embarrassed when she had to use her fingers to free it.  But to her surprise no one really seemed to notice.  The only person to even mention her new braces that day was Alyssa.

After the bell had rung to dismiss her fifth period class, Alyssa stopped by Liz’s desk.  Alyssa said “Miss Stevens, you look good with braces.  Really.  And I brought you something.  I imagine the inside of your lips are pretty beat up after talking all day.”  Alyssa pulled two sets of clear u-shaped pieces of flexible soft plastic out of her bag and placed them in Liz’s hand.  Alyssa said “these are lip protectors, just trim them to fit lengthwise and snap them over your brackets.  I have two sets for you.  They are a little simpler than wax.  They will help while you get used to them.  I gotta run, but they look good on you.”  As she left Liz hollered out “thank you Alyssa!  What do I owe you for them?”  Alyssa turned and said “nothing Miss Stevens, my gift to you.  I hope they help!” before she disappeared out the door.

That afternoon when the final bell rung, Liz followed her last student out her door.  She hung a left and entered Maggie’s room.  When she entered she saw Maggie at her desk, her head down resting on her crossed arms.  Maggie did not notice Liz approach..  She raised her head when Liz said “rough day boo?”  Liz replied “my lips.  Killing me.”  Liz said “I have a gift for you.  Do you have a pair of scissors?”  Without saying a word, Maggie opened her desk drawer and handed Liz a pair of scissors.  She told Maggie to look at her and bare her lips.  She held one of the spare lip bumpers up to her friends mouth and snipped a little off each end.  Maggie asked “what are you doing?”  Liz said “shhh!  Just hold on.”  She snapped one of the lip protectors over Maggies upper arch, and then followed with the bottom.  Maggie pushed her lips out and wrapped them over her braces.  Her eyes lit up and she said “what are these?  And where did you get them?  They feel like heaven.”  Liz said “they are lip protectors, one of my students gave them to me.”  Maggie said “oh wow, tell her thank you for me.  We have to get some more of these.  Do you have any for Tina and Emily?” Liz said “no, I only have the two sets.  And it looked like you could use one.  Let’s go see how they managed today.”

Over the next few days, all of the ladies became more used to navigating life with braces.  Monday evening, Maggie had found a drug store that stocked braces lip protectors.  They only had six sets and she bought them out.  Tuesday morning she had given a set to both Tina and Emily.   On Wednesday, Maggie sent out a group text telling them they needed to get together for dinner.  To share tips and tricks they’d discovered.  And maybe funny or embarrassing stories.  They agreed to meet Thursday evening.

That evening they met up at a Chili’s.  The waitress had done a double take as she took their orders and realized all four women had matching metal braces.  Maggie noticed the waitresses looks.  When it was her turn to order, Maggie flashed her a big metallic smile.  The waitress seemed enamored by them, but said nothing and simply took the order.  As the four women ate and drank they discussed their week.  And their new braces.  It was a surprise to all that, despite some troubles at first, they had all become fairly acclimated to their braces.  Emily had one funny and rather risqué story involving her and her husband in the bedroom that brought laughs from all the women.  But all in all, the women agreed it wasn’t as bad as they might have feared.  Maggie then said “well, other than the fact we are a table full of grown women all wearing matching braces, it really isn’t that big a deal.”

After eating, Emily and Tina excused themselves from the table to go to the ladies room to give their braces a quick once over to get any food out of them.  They were going to go in pairs, Maggie and Liz would go when the other two returned.  After the other two left, Liz looked at Maggie and said “I am sad.  I haven’t seen or heard from Tim all week.  I have been thinking about him.  And wanting to go knock on his door or call him.  But I am scared.  I was hoping he would approach me.  Maybe he isn’t in to me.  Maybe I misread the whole thing.”  Maggie said “I don’t agree with that.  I saw the way he looked at you.  I think he is just trying to respect you.  Maybe too much.  But remember, you basically told him to leave you alone.”  Liz protested “that’s not true!  I just told him I wasn’t ready for a relationship.”  Maggie said “well, if the two of you start seeing each other, it WOULD be a relationship of somekind.  I think he is just trying to respect you.  I think he just doesn’t want to hurt you.”  Liz sat in silence thinking about it all.  She was not aware of the conversation that Maggie had with Tim on Sunday.  Maggie interrupted Liz’s thoughts when she said “Let’s have dinner tomorrow night!  We can talk about it.”

The next evening Liz pulled into the parking lot of The Fish House.  Despite it’s name, it was a rather upscale seafood restaurant.  Liz had offered to pick Maggie up, but Maggie had insisted on driving.  From a text, she knew Maggie was already there and at a table in the back.  Liz entered the restaurant, told the hostess that her party was already there, and started towards the back of the restaurant.  When she turned the corner, she saw Maggie waving at her.  And Liz stopped in her tracks.  Because beside Maggie sat Tim.  A horrible thought ran through her mind.  Were Tim and Maggie seeing each other?  Was this some cruel twist?  Is this why Tim had ignored her all week?  Was she about to lose her friend?  And Tim?

Liz walked up to the table and asked “what is going on?”  Maggie smiled at Liz and said “you and Tim are about to have dinner together.  And I am just leaving.”  Maggie hugged Liz.  She then said “you two kids have fun!” and walked towards the front of the restaurant.  Liz was left with her mouth wide open, a confused look on her face.  She looked at Tim and asked “wait. What?  Did you two plan this?”  Tim stood and pulled out the chair across from his and said “please, have a seat.”

After seating Liz and returning to his own seat Tim looked at Liz.  He said “Liz, we did plan this.  Or more accurately Maggie did.  I am just going to lay my cards on the table.  I like you.  I have thought about you every day.  But I have not wanted to pressure you or hurry you.  Every moment I have been in my apartment, I have been wondering what you were up to.  If maybe you wanted a little company.  To watch a movie together.  But more than that I want to go at your pace.  I want you to be comfortable. I want to give you whatever space you need.  I know it is traditionally the man’s job to ask the woman out.  But I didn’t want to scare you away.  It has been so hard to resist just knocking on your door.  And I kept hoping you would knock on mine.  Maggie did set this up.  Because I had to see you.  I apologize for the subterfuge.  I hope you can forgive me.”

Liz sat speechless staring at Tim.  She didn’t know how to respond.  Finally she said “I have missed you.  And I have thought about you everyday.  I wish you had just knocked on my door.  But your reason for not doing so is so sweet.  I have no idea what to do either.  I wish I had knocked on your door.  I didn’t know for sure if you even liked me.  It has been so long since I did any of this.  And maybe I am damaged goods, but…”. Tim cut her off “you ARE NOT damaged goods.  Can I make a deal with you?  Let’s just be ourselves.  And let’s just be honest with each other.  If you want to knock on my door, do it.  If I want to knock on your door, I will do it.  If you want me to come over, tell me.  If you want me to leave, tell me.  I don’t know what I’m doing either.  So you tell me.  You tell me what you want.  Is that a deal?”  He reached over and took her hand.  She looked him in the eyes and replied “yes.  That sounds nice.”  Tim caressed her hand and said “you have made me a very happy man.  How about we enjoy a nice dinner?  And then maybe go home and watch TV together?”  Liz looked Tim in the eyes, she noticed her cheeks felt warm.  She said “I would like that very much.”

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #16 on: 07. June 2023, 19:57:41 PM »
Chapter Eleven.

As they ate, Tim remarked "it looks like your braces aren't bothering you.  How has that been going?  I have been wondering about that all week; hoping you were doing well and they weren't hurting you."  Liz replied "I am getting used to them.  I can't believe it.  But I am.  I don't know if I will ever completely forget they are there.  But they are manageable."

Later in dinner Liz said "so, tell me more about your time in the Navy.  What did you do? Why did you get out?"  Liz noticed the change in the expression on his face, like he felt uncomfortable.  Nonetheless Tim said "Sure.  Well, I think I mentioned that I wasn't the greatest student in high school.  Decent, but nothing great.  Instead of college, I thought a career in the military would fit me.  Have you ever heard the sheepdog parable?  If so, it isn't completely accurate.  But, it does hold some truth.  I have always considered myself a sheepdog.  So, I really thought that I would make it a career.  But, and I don't want to discuss politics, things changed.  I will just say that I didn't really leave the Navy, the Navy left me.  But what about you?  Tell me how you became a teacher." Liz thought he seemed uncomfortable about describing his time in the miliary.  And she thought he had purposely changed the subject.  But she didn't want to press it.  She launched into why she became a teacher.   Once dinner was done and Tim had payed the bill, he looked over at Liz and asked "so, would you still feel like watching a movie?  And you know how I mentioned I bartend in the summer?  I can whip up a pretty good drink if I do say so myself."

Back at Tim's apartment, the two sat side by side cuddling.  A rom com was playing on the TV, but both of them were more interested in each other than the movie.  Liz said "I apologize that I am so awkward about all this.  I feel like I am 14 again.  But thank you for being so understanding and patient."  Tim squeezed her and said "you are the cutest thing ever.  Please never apologize to me for being yourself."  Liz turned her face up towards Tim.  He leaned in and gently kissed her.  Once the movie was over, Liz said "thank you for tonight.  But I think I should go.  And what I said earlier about being patient?  Well, please just be patient with me."  Tim leaned in and kissed her.  He then said "patience is my virtue.  And you have a long journey home.  Let me escort you please."  Standing in the doorway of Liz's apartment, Tim leaned in once again and kissed her.  He said "sweet dreams beautiful.  Sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite."  Liz replied "you as well.  And again, thank you."  She gently shut the door.  As she lay in bed all she could think about was Tim.

The next four weeks were a happy time for Liz.  She spent a lot of time with Tim.  And true to his word, he remained patient.  They did a lot of cuddling and kissing, but she wasn't ready yet to take it any further.  Oh, she had thought about it.  A lot.  But she was still scarred from her previous relationship and terrified of being hurt.  But Tim was so sweet and understanding, putting no pressure on her.  On the braces front, everything was fine as well. Liz had become used to her braces.  Her lips and mouth had become accustomed to their new guests.  And there were times when, like others had told her would happen, she completely forgot they were there.  One Thursday after the fifth period bell rung, Liz noticed Alyssa and her friend Kayleigh talking as other students jetted out the door.  Liz heard Alyssa tell her friend "just tell her.  She will understand."

Kayleigh approached Liz's desk and said "Miss Stevens, have you got a second?"  Liz said "of course, what's up?"  Kayleigh said "well, I know you like to have us read to the class a lot.  But can you please not call on me for a few days?  I am getting braces and expanders this afternoon.  I am afraid I won't be able to talk very well.  I don't want to get made fun of.  So can you please just not call on me until I figure out how to talk?"  Liz looked at her and said "Kayleigh, of course dear."  Liz gave her a big smile and continued "I completely get it. I understand the anxiety.  I was terrified that first morning I showed up to class with my braces.  And I don't have an expander or anything.  But even so talking those first few days was rough.  You just let me know when you are ready.  Until then, you are off the hook."  Kayleigh said "thank you Miss Stevens.   And by the way, it is really cool that you got braces.  Actually that all of you teachers got them.  It makes me feel better about it.  I will be graduating and going off to college with them.  I am dreading it. But you have made it seem like no big deal.  Thank you."  Liz said "well, thank you.  And I DID think it was a big deal at first.  But, it really isn't.  You will do just fine." 

The next day, Liz called Kayleigh to her desk when she entered her classroom.  Liz asked Kayleigh "how are you doing dear?"  Kayleigh said "Sho hah to tahk.  An sho muh insah ma mouth."  She leaned her head back and opened wide.  Liz saw a huge metal and acrylic beast completely covering her upper palate, with multiple arms and bands filling the whole top of Kayleigh's mouth.  She noticed she didn't have braces on, but there were two hooks that came off the bands of the expander than ran down her gumline.  She then tilted her head down so Liz could see the screw mechanism that rested behind her lower teeth.  It too had metal arms that ran back to molar bands wrapped around her bottom molars.

Liz said "wow Kayleigh, that is impressive.  Are you hurting?"   Instead of speaking Kayleigh just nodded her head up and down.  Liz said "I am sorry.  But, it will get better.  I know you might not believe me, but it will get better.  I didn't believe people when they told me that at first either.  But they were right.  You will be fine.  And hey, at least you didn't get braces too!  And I promise, I will not call on you until you tell me it is ok too."  Kayleigh replied "thah ya Mish Shtevensh" and took her seat.

The following Saturday; it was her turn to drive; Liz pulled into the parking deck with Emily, Tina, and Maggie in the car with her.  They were a little nervous about what their appointments might entail.  They had received an email that the appointment might take up to two hours, there would be two phases to it, so they should plan accordingly.  After signing in the girls sat and chatted.  Their conversation was interrupted by Dr. Markisian.  He addressed the group by saying "Welcome ladies and gentlemen!  And thank you for all making it.  This is an exciting day.  Because while we began your treatment at your last appointment, today we will begin addressing each of your individual treatment needs and working on your bites.  Please, follow me back to the treatment area and take the same seat you had at your last appointment."

As they entered the treatment room, Liz noticed that there was a doctor and an assistant positioned on each side of every chair like before.  But, she noticed that several of the assistants were not wearing headgear this time, including "her" assistant Tara.  As she seated herself Liz asked "Tara, did you get your headgear off?"  Tara replied "yes I did!  Yay!  They released me from headgear jail.  I am completely done with it.  AND I only have to have my braces for another appointment or two.  I can't wait.  The headgear was not the most fun.  But, wearing it meant I will be in and out of braces in less than 18 months.  That is crazy fast for someone with a bite issue like me." 

By the time Tara was finished speaking, Liz was seated and situated in the chair.  Dr. Martin took over and asked "so Missh Stevensh, how wash your firsht shix weeksh with bracesh?  Everything go well for you?  Are you ushed to them?  Any isshues we need to addresh?"  Before responding, Liz thought back to her conversation the day before with Kayleigh.  She wondered if Dr. Martin had expanders too.  Their massive lisps were similar.  She responded "no, no issues.  And I can't believe it, but I am used to my braces."  Dr. Martin said "that ish great.  I knew you would do great."  She looked at the chart and then said "well, you are lucky.  You do not need any additional intraoral applianshes today like shome othersh.  We will shimply change out your wires and ligaturesh.  You ready?"  Liz put her thumb up and Dr. Martin reclined her back.

In about 15 minutes Dr. Martin raised the chair back up and said "tada!  We are done with the firsht part of your appointment.  By the way, that teal is a great choisch.  It really complimentsh your eye color.  Tara will escort you back up to reception. They want to keep all patients on the shame timeline, sho you will need to wait until all other patientsh are done until we start the second half of your appointment."

Back in the waiting area, Liz noticed she was only the second patient to arrive back there.  As Tara turned to walk back down the hall, Liz asked "so, what do we have in store for the second part of this appointment."  Tara looked at her and said "like Dr. Martin said, we don't really talk about the future here.  But you will do just fine."  She turned and walked away before Liz could ask her what that menat.

As she sat, she had butterflies in her stomach.  And where were Tina, Emily, and Maggie?  As soon as she thought that, Emily walked into the reception area followed by an assistant.  Liz saw her say something to her assistant, and then Emily made a beeline for her.  As she walked up Emily asked "sho, what did you get new."  Liz noticed she had a bit of a lisp.  Liz said "I didn't get anything.  They just changed my wire.  Why, what did you get?"  Emily opened her mouth and leaned her head back. Liz saw a pink acrylic button in the middle of her palate, with two wired running from it to her molars.  Emily put her head back down and said "I got shomething they called a Nansch appliancsh.  Something about holding my molars together.  They shaid I will get useshed to talking with it in a day or two, but damn it.  This shucks."  Liz, wrapped her arm around her and said "I bet they are right.  It doesn't look too bad.  And I can't see it.  So, that is a plus."  Emily replied "thank you, but your not the one who has to wear it."  Emily sat down with a sullen look on her face.  Liz decided she should just give her some space.  After a few minutes, Emily asked "where are Tina and Maggie?"  Liz said "I don't know, I haven't seen them.  They must still be back there."

About five minutes later Tina entered the room.  She didn't even stop to speak with her assistant.  As she walked over her head was downcast.  Liz noticed her eyes were red, like she had been crying.  As she got closer Liz could hear her sniffling, and she noticed that Tina's lower lip was quivering.  Liz went up to her and asked "are you ok?"  Tina burst out crying.

Liz wrapped her in a hug as Tina cried on her shoulder.  By now, Emily was standing too, and she wrapped her in a hug as well.  Liz said "what is it?  What is wrong?"  Through her crying Tina croaked "tha inshtad ah tah crib ah a toh rah.  Ah cah tahk.  Ah ey looksh hahbul."  Liz patted her on the back and said "it will be ok." Finally Tina quite crying.  Emily released her hold on her and got some tissue out of her purse.  Liz released her too so she could wipe her eyes with the tissue that Emily had handed her.  Liz guided her over to a seat.  Once seated she said, again for the second time in 10 minutes, "it will be ok.  Do you want to show us what you are dealing with?"  Tina shook her head back and forth.  Liz sat down beside her, wrapping her arm around her, and said "that's ok.  It is going to be ok."

After a few minutes Tina said "thah ya."  She then opened her mouth, showing Liz what she was dealing with.  Liz removed her arm from Tina and leaned in for a closer look.  Liz was horrified by what she saw in her friend's mouth.  On top, there was a tongue crib that hung down well below her top teeth.  And on bottom, there was a rake; a number of pointed wires that ran up and curved back towards her tongue; ending just above the top of her bottom teeth.  Tina said "ha am I gah live wa thish?"  Liz wrapped her arm back around her and said "you will figure it out.  And you have all of us.  We will help you get through it."

Liz was sitting there holding Tina with Emily on the other side doing the same.  They hadn't noticed Maggie walk up.  They turned their head when Maggie said "well that shucked!  And Tina, what ish wrong?"  Liz noticed that Maggie too had a lisp.  But before she asked about that, she said "they installed a tongue crib and a tongue rake in Tina's mouth.  She is having trouble talking."  Maggie said "well, that makesh two of ush.  They put a quad helish and lower lingual arch in my mouth.  It is a lot."  Tina turned towards Maggie and opened her mouth.  Maggie's eyes got big.  She said "OH!  Tina, I am sho shorry."  With Emily and Liz already seated on either side of Tina, Maggie squatted down in front of her and again said "I am sho shorry babe.  But you will get through thish.  No, we will get through thish."

The four were commiserating when the last patient entered the room.  At that point Dr. Markisian walked to the front of the room and cleared his throat.  He said "Congratulations everyone!  I know a few of you had to get intraoral appliances installed today to begin correcting issues.  But you will quickly become acclimated to them.  And they are vital to your successful treatment.  As always though, if you have issues or questions about them, we are here.  Your assigned orthodontist will be more than happy to offer whatever assistance you need.  Now, we move on to phase two of your appointment.  Today is a VERY exciting day.  Because today is the day you all begin extraoral treatment.  We will get you all fitted for headgear and begin the journey of correcting your bites!."  There was a collective gasp and a look of shock on the faces of all the patients.  Tina began crying again.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #17 on: 08. June 2023, 02:03:12 AM »
Chapter Twelve.

While everyone was in a daze, nine of the ten patients stood when Dr. Markisian asked them all to follow the assistant back to the treatment room.  Liz noticed that one of the women, Janice who had taken their photo when they first had their braces installed, remained seated.  As Liz walked out the door she craned her head to see Dr. Markisian sitting beside her.  Liz couldn't hear what was said, but she could see Janice speaking and animatedly gesturing with her hands. 

Once everyone was seated in the treatment room, one of the orthodontists told the group "we are going to wait a few minutes to see if our last patient will be joining us."

The wait seemed interminable to Liz.  She kept glancing at her watch.  It felt like she had been sitting there an hour, dreading the idea of getting headgear.  Her watch told her it had been four minutes.  Finally Liz noticed the doctors and assistants assemble around their assigned chairs.  Out of the corner of her eye she saw Janice sit in the empty chair in the row. 

Before leaning her back, Dr. Martin looked at Liz and said "I know it sheemsh like a lot.  But I promiseh you that it ish not nearly ash bad as it seemsh right this second.  Isn't that right Tara?"  Tara said "absolutely, and it is so worth it."  Up and down the line of chairs, the other orthodontists were having similar conversations, or maybe they were pep talks, with their patients.  Liz could still hear Tina whimpering and sniffling in the chair at the end.

Liz thought "why are they doing this to us?  And can they not just give Tina a few minutes to compose herself?".  With these thoughts in her head Liz was feeling confrontational and replied to Dr. Martin "that is easy for you to say, you don't have to wear it."  Dr. Martin responded "but I do.  I do wear headgear.  It is a little different than what you all are getting. It may be even more conspicuous.  I have a classh three bite and wear a reversh pull headgear.    For shixteen to eighteen hoursh a day during the week I wear it.  Every minute that I am not either in the shower or actively working on patients, I wear it.  And fulltime on weekends and holidays.  The grocery store, the movies, picking my son up from day care, dates with my husband; I wear it.  And I alsho have two huge, bulky, intrushive expandersh in my mouth.  You can hear how negatively they impact my speech.  I can't take them out.  They are bonded in."  She pulled her mask down and opened her mouth to Liz.  Between the metal braces, loops, expanders and hooks in Dr. Martin's mouth; Liz could see very little white tooth enamel or pink gum tissue in her mouth.  Dr. Martin said "she? It ish a LOT.  Sho I can tell you that you aren't the only one.  And I can tell you that it will be ok."  Liz looked at Dr. Martin.  Liz said "I'm sorry.  I didn't mean to... I didn't know."  Dr. Martin patted her on the arm and said "it is perfectly ok.  I get it.  It wash a shock to me when I got all my gear, and I am around it everyday.  So, I get it.  And if you want to talk, pleash call me."  She pulled her mask back up and said "this won't hurt.  And it won't take long.  Are you ready?"  Liz took a deep breath and said "yes".

After only 10 minutes, Dr. Martin raised Liz back up to a seated position.  With her right hand she felt the metal facebow protruding from her lips.  When she cut her eyes down she could actually see it in her peripheral vision.  From there she ran her finger up to the elastics connecting it to the head piece.  And finally she felt around the straps that encircled her head and her neck.  She asked "how many hours a day do I have to wear this?  And how many months?"  Dr. Martin answered "Dr. Markisian will address all of that with the group here shortly.  For now, let me have Tara show you how to remove the elastics and straps."  Tara held a mirror up in front of Liz.  When she saw her reflection, Liz involuntarily gasped.  The headgear completely dominated her face and head.  Tara saw this and said "I know, I wore one for 9 months.  You will get used to it with time.  Now, watch what I do.  It is simple."  Tara quickly removed the eight elastics, four from each side of her face, and placed them on the tray.  She then lifted off the straps.  She said "that's it!  Some people do like to have their hair cut shorter, the straps really make it hard to have a good hair day.  But that is completely up to you."  Tara handed the straps to Liz and said "now, you try it."  Liz looked at her and asked "how do I remove the facebow?"  Tara answered "you can't, it is permanent."  Liz's eyes got wide.  Tara noticed Liz's nostrils flaring, her breathing hard and rapid.  Tara placed her hand on Liz's arm.  Tara told her "just breath.  Just breath.  It will be ok.  Mine was wired in too.  All of us here went through or are still going through what you are right now. And look, we all made it.  When it is over with, you will be so glad you did it."  Liz still had an elevated heart rate, but Tara's words had calmed her some.  She looked at Tara and stated "I promise I will wear it."  She looked over at Dr. Martin and begged "But can you make it so I can take it out?  Please?"  Dr. Martin said "I am sho shorry.  But I can't.  That ish part of the study.  You are group A.  Group A hash to wear it fulltime.  To ensure that we have to wire it in.  The good newsh ish that preliminary resultsh are showing that patientsh in group A have to wear their headgear for monthsh lessh than those in Group B.  And their total treatment time is also monthsh shorter.  And compared to Group C, the differencsh in treatment time is measured in yearsh, not monthsh. Sho, I know this shucks.  But, it won't shuck as long for you ash many othersh."  Liz asked "is there anything I can do?"  Dr. Martin said "I will just be blunt with you.  You have two options.  Wear it for the next year.  Or write the university a check for $8,000.   I am sorry to be so blunt, but those are the only two options."  Liz gulped and looked straight ahead not speaking.  As she did, Tara put the straps and elastics back on her.  Dr. Martin said "hang on jusht a second, and then let'sh take a walk."

Liz had such a case of tunnel vision earlier, she had been oblivious to everything around her.  With Dr. Sanders temporarily gone, Liz noticed there was someone loudly bawling their eyes out.  She turned her head.  She first thing she noticed was that when she did the neck strap of the headgear rubbed on her neck.  The second thing she noticed is that Janice had her hands to her face crying her eyes out.  The headgear wearing assistant that had attended her had her arm around her while the male orthodontist tried to hand her tissues and was saying something to try to calm her.  Liz's attention was focused on that spectacle when she heard Dr. Martin say "let'sh go for a walk and leave the rest of the patientsh to deal with it in a little more privacy."  Liz turned her head towards Dr. Martin and saw she had a bright red plastic and metal mask on her face with elastics attached to it running into her mouth.  Dr. Martin noticed Liz's stare and said "this is a Delaire facemask.  Like I told you, I have to wear it a LOT.  I wear thish style instead of the more common Petit shtyle because I wear glasses.  Thish one is more compatible for that.  I can put on and take off my glassesh without messhing with the mashk.  With a Petit I would have to put on or take off the mashk too evertime I did the same with my glassesh.  I really am shorry I had to wire your facebow in.  I am.  But look at it like thish.  You have brayshes and headgear.  It could be worsh.  I have brayshes, expandersh, headgear, and glassesh.  Please, let'sh take a walk and talk".

Dr. Martin led her back into the auditorium where the two sat talking quietly.  In truth Dr. Martin did most of the talking.  She was very empathetic.  By the time other patients began to return to the classroom, all with varying degrees of shock visible on their face, Liz was feeling slightly better.  Maggie came and sat beside Liz.  Dr. Martin said "Liz, ladiesh, you will do fine.  I need to get up front.  Dr. Markisian wantsh us all up there."  Liz looked over at Maggie, who still hadn't said a word.  Maggie was staring straight ahead and had a vacant look on her face, though it was partially obscured by her headgear.  Liz put her hand on her arm.  This caused Maggie to jump in her seat.  Maggie turned to face Liz and said "I am shorry.  I am sho, sho shorry I got you into thish.  What are we going to do?"  Before she could answer Emily sat down on her other side of her.  She asked "hey gals, did they tell you how many hours a day we have to wear this bullshit headgear?"  Liz turned towards her.  She said "all the time.  We can't take it out."  Immediately Emily reached up to the facebow and started tugging on it.  It would not budge.  She started saying "oh no, oh no, oh no" over and over.  The last to enter the auditorium was Tina.  With her head down and eyes red, she made her way to the other three.  She could not have looked sadder if she were marching down death row towards the gallows.  Without a word she sat down beside Emily and stared at the floor.  Before anyone could say a word Dr. Markisian addressed everyone "Ladies and gentlemen!  Ladies and gentlemen!"

All eyes turned towards him.  Liz noticed that lined up on either side of him were the orthodontists and assistants that treated the group. Seven of the assistants were wearing interlandi headgear identical to their own; everyone had seen it before.  But to their surprise, on the other side of him, all the orthodontists had some type of headgear on themselves.  Six were wearing interlandi headgear.  Dr. Martin was wearing her Delaire mask.  And the remaining three were wearing Petit facemasks.

Dr. Markisian continued "Ladies and gentlemen!  Well done today.  While this may seem like a horrible day to some, it is in fact a wonderful day.  Because you are on your way to a new smile.  As you all already know, you were all lucky enough to be chosen to be part of group A for this study.  That means that yes, you do have to wear your appliances fulltime for the next year, or until your bite has been corrected.  But you will finish treatment quickly.  If you notice to my right, three of our assistants are not wearing headgear.  That is because they were dedicated like all of you.  They were our first group A in this study.  And in less than nine months time three are already finished with the extraoral portion of their treatment.  I expect that all of the remaining participants in group A, our fine assistants, will be done within the next three months, four tops.  Several of you will not have to wear your headgear for the full term of one year I am sure, just as some of them did not.  Now if you look to my other side, you will notice all of our fine doctors that treated you.  They are all still in treatment with their extraoral appliances.  That is because initially, for the first six months, they only wore them for twelve hours a day.  They were instructed to do so, no more and no less.  Now, because of this study we know that headgear DOES work for adults.  And we know that increased wear time DOES decrease the needed wear time duration.   So many of our doctors are, voluntarily I might add, wearing their extraoral appliances much longer than the mandatory twelve hours.  Some are wearing them almost full time.  Again, all voluntarily.  So, I say all this to get to this.  THIS WILL BE WORTH IT.

Again, thank you all for being such wonderful patients.  And please, take advantage of the doctors and staff here.  Reach out to them, they may be able to offer you some help as you become acclimated to your headgear.  And finally, congratulations!" 

The ride home was very quiet for the four women.  All were still in shock.  And for three of them, they not only had headgear, they also had appliances in their mouths that impacted their speech to some degree.  Tina's was the most severe.  She curled up in the fetal position in the backseat, her head awkwardly laying against the headrest, and somehow fell asleep.  In the rearview mirror, Liz had noticed that Emily had wrapped herself over her.  As Liz approached the school parking lot, Maggie said "girlsh, I am sho shorry for getting you all into thish."   Emily looked at her and whispered "don't apologize.  We are all grown ups and we all signed up for this.  But, if you want to do something to help, please grab Tina's purse when we park.  I text Elizabeth and explained what is going on.  I told her to meet us here.  She is going to take Tina home and love on her some tonight.  I hope she feels a little better by Monday."  When Liz came to a stop beside the other's vehicles she noticed there was one more than when they had left.  From it stepped a tall dark complected woman around their age.  Emily shook Tina awake and softly said "wake up sleepy head, you are almost home."  Liz got out of her car to stretch her legs and watched this woman, Elizabeth she assumed, come and wrap Tina in a hug.  She held her for a long time.  She finally released her and said "let me get you home baby.  Your mouth is hurting.  Momma will try to make it better."  She wrapped her arm around Tina's shoulders and helped her into the backseat of her SUV.  She heard her tell Tina "I brought you a pillow baby.  Try to get comfortable and I will avoid all the potholes."  Maggie and Emily followed behind her.  Once Tina was laying in the backseat, Maggie handing Elizabeth Tina's purse.  Elizabeth told Maggie "thank you."  She then turned to Emily and said "thank you for texting me.  And thank you for looking after her on the way home."  She then got in the drivers seat of the SUV and drove  off.  Emily and Maggie came back over to Liz and both thanked her for the ride.   Liz looked at them and only half jokingly said "maybe I should have had a wreck on the way there.  Not a bad one, but just enough to miss our appointments."  Emily cracked a half smile.  Maggie just looked at her sadly and said "what are we going to do Monday?" and turned and headed towards her car.

When Liz finally made it back to her apartment she found a potted flower on her doorstep.  She knew it was from Tim, she didn't even need to read the note.  They were supposed to have dinner at his apartment and watch a movie.  She opened her door, slung her purse down on the table and immediately went into her bathroom.  As she examined her headgear in the mirror she thought "this is bad; this is so very, very bad.  How can I live life like this?"

She went back into the kitchen where she heard her purse ringing on the dining room table.  She dug her phone out and saw it was Tim.  When she answered he said "hey beautiful.  I see your car out there.  I thought you were going to come over?   We are going to cook dinner together and watch a movie."  She replied "I'm sorry, I can't."  Tim replied "what's wrong?"  She said "I had a rough day.  I'm sorry."  Tim said 'if you had a rough day, that is even more reason for you to let me spoil you tonight. I hate to beg.  But please?"  Liz told him again "I'm sorry, I can't.  I need to go.  Bye bye" and she hung up on him.

Tim had sensed something was wrong even before he spoke with Liz.  Now he knew something was wrong.  She was not acting like herself at all.  He was worried about her.  He went and knocked on her door.  He heard Liz's muffled voice from behind the door say "go away Tim.  Please."  Tim said "please just open the door.  Something is wrong.  Please at least talk to me.  Face to face.  If you want to break up with me fine.  But at least do it to my face."  Liz answered "it's not that.  It's just... I can't see you right now.  You don't want to see me anyway."  Tim said "that is not true, all I want, ALL I want is to see you.  What is wrong?  Please tell me.  Maybe I can help." 

Liz said "I thought you told me you were patient."  Tim said "I am patient.  I am patient about whatever speed you want to take this.  I am patient about intimacy.  I am even patient about cars in front of me that don't move when the light turns green because they are on their phone.  I am NOT patient when I think you are hurting.  And I think you are hurting.  But I am patient about standing.  And I am going to stand on your doorstep until you open the door and tell me what it is."

A few minutes later Liz said "are you still there?"  Tim answered "yes, and I will be here until I am nothing but a dusty old skeleton if you don't open the door.  So, please open the door."  The knob turned and the door cracked open.  But that was it.  He pushed the door open the rest of the way.  He found Liz facing away from him, her head down towards the floor.  Even so, he could see the straps of her headgear.  He went and wrapped his arms around her.  He said "so you got your headgear today.  Is that what this is about.  Is it hurting you?"  Liz answered "no, not really.  But look at it."  He gently spun her around, though she still had her head down.  She said "I am so embarrassed.  I am completely ready for your let me down easy speech."  He hugged her and softly said in her ear "remember what I said when we first really met?  That first night after you got your braces?  And I told you that if you had to get headgear you would be a beautiful woman, just with headgear?  Liz, that is what you are.  A beautiful woman.  Now, you just have headgear.  No big deal, not to me." 

He held her for several minutes until he stepped back from her.  He put his index finger under her chin and lifted her face up towards his.  He said "there we go, finally a better look."   As he shook his head back and forth Liz nervously watching him.  What could he be thinking she thought to herself.  Tim said "nope, you are just as pretty as you were before you left for your appointment."  He took her hands and said "baby, headgear sucks.  I know.  I know firsthand.  But it isn't forever.  How much do you have to wear it?"  She looked at him and said "all the time" and burst into tears.  He wrapped his arms around her as she tried to hide inside his arms.  He said "you can't take it off?"  Between sobs she said "no, it is wired in" and her crying intensified.  He held her and stroked the back of her head, or at least the interlandi headgear straps that encircled her head, and rocked her back and forth.   Finally she calmed and said "really, I understand if you don't want to see me anymore.  I don't want to be seen with me anymore either."   He continued to hold and pet her.  He said "I am not letting you get rid of me that easy.  I promise, we will get through this together.  We, not you.  We will get through this.  I promise". 

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #18 on: 08. June 2023, 12:57:01 PM »
Chapter Thirteen.

Tim continued to hold Liz.  He softly told her “I am so sorry this happened.  Not because I care one whit if you have headgear or not.  But because it hurts me so much to see you like this.  I wish that I could say or do something and just take it all away.  But I can’t.  But I will do everything in my power to try to make it easier for you.”  He led her over to the couch.  He wrapped her in a warm embrace.  Liz burrowed into him. 

Tim asked “did your friends get headgear too?”  Liz answered “yes, we all did.  Like mine.  And we all have to wear it the same.  They got even more than me.  Emily also got a Nance appliance.  And Maggie got these wire expanders top and bottom.  And poor Tina.  She got this huge tongue crib on the top of her mouth and a barbaric looking tongue rake on bottom.  She can’t talk.  I can’t even imagine what she is going through right now.  The poor thing.  I guess I shouldn’t feel so bad about my plight.”  Tim said “I am sorry.  I am sorry for you.  I am sorry for them.  Because they are your friends.  And because I don’t like the idea of anyone hurting.  I am sorry you all had such a horrible day.  Such a horrible appointment.  But, your appointment is done.  And there is nowhere to go but up.  And at least you four have each other to look out for one another at school. There is power in numbers.  And speaking of things looking up, would you please still join me for dinner?”

Liz squeezed him and said “thank you.  For everything.  And I am so sorry I was acting bratty earlier.  I was terrified you would take one look at me and run.  Maybe even start packing up your things and looking for a new place to live.”  Liz looked at Tim and cracked a half smile.  Tim looked at her and said “it makes me so happy when I see you smile.  So happy.  Please don’t let the headgear rob me of that.  There is another thing that makes me happy.”

Tim leaned in and maneuvered his lips around the facebow and kissed Liz.  At first, Liz didn’t respond.  She wasn’t sure how.  But after a few seconds she began to awkwardly kiss him back.  She pulled back and said “well, that is different.  We will need to practice that.  But first, I am hungry.  I haven’t eaten since breakfast.  I don’t know how I will eat with this thing.  But I guess I am gonna learn.  Would you still be willing to have dinner with a girl in headgear?”  Tim looked at her and said “nothing would make me happier than to have dinner with you right now.”  From the look in his eyes, Liz thought he was actually telling the truth, not just what he thought she wanted to hear.

Back at Tim’s apartment the first thing he did was mix Liz a drink.  Then he dug around in a drawer and pulled out a straw.  He handed her the drink and said “you will eventually figure out how to drink with that.  But at first, use a straw.”  She hugged him and said “you are so sweet and thoughtful.”

After they were done eating and had cleared the table, they sat cuddling on the couch watching a movie on HBO.  About 15 minutes in Tim stood up.  Liz asked “what’s wrong?”  Tim replied “nothing, I just thought of something I need to do.  Hold on just a sec.”. When he returned Liz didn’t notice anything different.  Until he smiled.  He was wearing his retainers.  He snuggled back up to Liz and with a smile he said “maybe we can get our braces stuck together” and winked at her.

A few times that evening Liz reflected on the fact that she was wearing a monstrous headgear.  But despite that fact, and the fact that kissing was a little different, Tim seemed as into her as ever.  There were times when Tim’s apparent passion and desire for her even made her forget she was wearing it.  When the movie was over, Tim looked over and said “so, I guess I need to escort a lady home?”  Liz sat there in silence pondering the decision she had made, and what she was about to say.  She looked over at him and said “no, you don’t.”  She stood and started walking towards his bedroom, unbuttoning her blouse as she walked.  When she got to the hallway, she turned to see Tim still sitting on the couch watching her.  She pleaded “please join me.”  Tim said “are you sure baby?”  Liz said “I have never been more sure about anything”. She let her blouse fall to the floor.  She said “Tim, I need you.”  He rose and followed her into the bedroom.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #19 on: 08. June 2023, 19:55:01 PM »
Chapter Fourteen.

The next morning as she awoke Liz realized she was not in her own bed.  The next thought that ran through her brain was "what do I have on my head?".   She remembered she was wearing headgear.  After that she thought "who's arm is this draped over me?".  Then she remembered Tim and the night before.  She rolled over to face him, in the process waking him up.  After he opened his eyes and shook the cobwebs away, his eyes focused on Liz.  He smiled at her, the wire of his retainer centering his teeth.  Knowing that Tim had gone through the process she was currently enduring made Liz feel better.  The fact that he had been so good lately about wearing his retainers; Liz knew in her heart he was doing it for her; made him even more attractive to her.  He said softly "good morning gorgeous.  Did you sleep well?"

Liz answered "sleep was ok.  But what happened before?  Tim, I didn't even realize how much I had missed that.  Last night was incredible.  But you may have created a monster."  With that, she crawled over on top of him and kissed him, headgear and all.

Later that morning, after eating a light brunch, Tim and Liz were snuggled up on the couch with the TV on.  It was approaching noon when Liz's phone dinged at her on the coffee table in front of her.  She picked it up and read the text.  It was a group text from Emily to her and Maggie.  She had left Tina off of it.  Emily's text said "I spoke with Elizabeth this morning.  Tina is really feeling down.  She can't really talk, and when she does try the tongue rake destroys her tongue.  And she hasn't been able to eat anything.  Elizabeth said she is a wreck.  Would any of you feel like going over and trying to cheer her up this afternoon?  Maybe at least try to take her mind off of it?"  Liz responded "sure, what time?  And how are you feeling?"  Emily said "I was thinking 1 or 2, nothing is set in stone.  If you can come, just get there when you can.  And as for my braces, the Nance isn't a huge deal.  I think I will get used to it pretty quickly.  But this headgear?  I don't even know what to say.  I mean, it just seems like a bad dream.  But I know it isn't.  And I am not going to wake up and it be gone.  But my husband was so sweet and gentle last night.  He told me we would get through it.  How about you?"  Liz responded "pretty much the same with the headgear.  And Tim was the same way.  He was SO incredible about the whole thing.  I knew he was going to dump me, and we weren't even a couple last night.  But the opposite happened.  We took the next step."  Emily text back "yay!  So you two are a thing?  I can't wait to meet him.  Why don't you bring him with you when you come?"  Liz said "I think we have been a thing for a little while, I just refused to see it or admit it.  And I will certainly ask him.  And text me Tina's address.  Where is Maggie, she is usually up in these group texts like a wrecking ball?" 

After she put the phone back down, she asked Tim "what do you have planned for this afternoon?"  Tim said "I need to study a little, but mainly I want to spend time with you.  Why?"  Liz relayed the text conversation she had just had.  She asked Tim if he would come with her.  Tim looked at her and replied "only on two conditions.  One, you let me drive you.  And two, I need to go to the grocery store first.  It sounds like Tina might have trouble eating right now.  But I bet she can still drink.  Hang out here, don't be flirting with the milk man, and I will be back in less than an hour.  Is there anything you need?"  Liz said "gosh it sounds ridiculous to say.  But can you pick me up some straws?  I don't think I have any over in my apartment."  Tim said "sure thing.  And it isn't ridiculous."  He leaned in and kissed her, then headed out the door.

As soon as he was gone, Liz dialed Maggie.  It went to voicemail.  She tried again, it went to voicemail again.  She was now a little worried about her friend.  She dialed Emily.  She picked up on the third ring.  Liz said "have you heard from Maggie?  She isn't responding to texts, and she isn't answering her phone?"  Emily said "no, I haven't.  Let me try her.  But, while I have you, do you have any ideas on a remedy for the tongue rake Tina has?  A way to protect her tongue?"  Liz said "no, no idea.  But please, let me know if you get hold of Maggie."

After she hung up, her thoughts were divided between Maggie's well being and Tina's tongue rake.  She knew that Emily was trying to get hold of Maggie.  She decided to try to distract herself.  She went and got Dr. Martin's card out of her purse.  She had yet to call her during treatment.  Now would be her first time.  She dialed her cell number.

On the fourth ring a voice answered "hello, Pamela Martin shpeaking".  Liz replied "Dr. Martin, this is Liz Stevens.  I am sorry to bother you on a Sunday, but I have a question for you."  Dr. Martin responded "oh, hello Mish Stevensh.  It ish good to hear from you, and you aren't bothering me.  That is what I am here for.  Is your headgear hurting?  Where able to shleep ok with it?  Have you figured out how to eat and drink with it?"  Liz said "my mouth is a little achy, but I was able to sleep and eat with it. I did figure out that straws are a necessity.  My boyfriend is out now picking some up actually."  Dr. Martin responded "that ish great.  And yesh, I should have mentioned strawsh.  They are a neshessity.  For me too.  And your boyfriend?  Maybe I shouldn't ashk thish personal a question.  But ish he ok with it all?" 

Liz said "I have never been as scared as I was last night when I let him see me in it for the first time.  But he has been incredible.  Just so incredible." Dr. Martin replied "that is sho great to hear.  And again, let me apologize again for having to wire your facshebow in.  But it shoundsh like you are doing good with the headgear.  Sho what can I help you with?"  Liz replied "it is my friend Tina.  She had a tongue crib and tongue rake installed yesterday.  The tongue rake is killing her, making her miserable.  More miserable than the tongue crib and headgear, though they aren't helping.  Is there anything I can do to help her?  It is stabbing her tongue so bad."  Liz was surprised when Dr. Martin replied "don't tell anyone I told you thish, but gummy worms.  Take a gummy worm, cut it the right length, and shtick it over the prongsh.  Push down hard enough that it staysh, but not so hard the prongsh stick through the other side.  It will eventually dissolve, when it does, put another one on."  Liz answered "wow, I would have never thought of that.  Thank you SO MUCH!  Let me let you go so I can try to catch my boyfriend before he leaves the store."  Dr. Martin replied "I am glad I could help.  But before you leave, is it ok if I shave your number?  This ish your cell?  I would like to check in with you from time to time."  Liz said "of course, please.  Again, thank you.  And have a great Sunday."  As soon as she hung up she text Tim and typed "if you are still at the store, pick up a bag of gummy worms please."  Tim responded right back and said "sure thing babe.  And I don't want to be the food police.  But should you eat them with your braces?"  Liz said "they aren't for me, I will explain when you get home."

When Tim returned 30 minutes later, Liz had still not heard from Maggie.  Neither had Emily.  Liz was very worried, bordering on panic, when Tim walked through the door.  As soon as came in, two plastic grocery bags in his left hand, Liz said "we need to go check on Maggie.  No one can get in touch with her."  Tim said "absolutely.  I am sure she is fine.  But let's go make sure."  He didn't even stop to put the bags down as he turned and headed back out the door. 

Liz guided him as he made the normally 15 minute drive to Maggie's in just over 10 minutes.   Maggie lived in a cute little two bedroom house in a small residential neighborhood inhabited by mostly older retired couples and young married couples.  As soon as Tim made the turn onto Maggie's street, they saw the blue flashing lights of the two patrol cars stopped in front of Maggie's home.  As soon as she saw them Liz's heart leapt into her throat.  She shrieked "No, please no".

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #20 on: 09. June 2023, 02:18:45 AM »
Chapter Fifteen.

Tim stood on the accelerator, pinning him and Liz back in the seat.  When he got within 100 yards of the flashing lights, he saw a car pulled over in front of the two cruisers.  There was an officer at the driver’s window, and another at the passenger’s.  It appeared they simply had a car pulled over for some type of traffic infraction, probably speeding since they were in a 25 mph zone.  He also noticed one of the officers standing beside the second car had turned his attention to the white truck barreling towards them at an excessive rate of speed.  He glanced down and saw he was doing 70 mph.  He put his arm out across Liz’s chest and braked hard.  He told Liz “they just have someone pulled over writing a ticket.  They are about to write me one.  Just stay in the truck.”  Liz exhaled deeply.  She hadn’t even realized she had been holding her breathe.  She then asked “but what about Maggie, we still have to check on Maggie.”  He said “we will, I promise.  But just wait.  I made those cops very nervous.”  After he slowed, he went ahead and got his license, insurance and concealed carry permit out and laid them on the dash.  Then he eased into Maggie’s driveway and stopped behind her car, which was in the drive.  He shut the truck off.  As he had been pulling in, he noticed both the cops at the second car were now focused on him and were approaching his vehicle from behind, one on either side of it.  Both had their hands on the butts of their service weapons.  Liz went to open the passenger door and Tim stopped her.  He said “baby, those cops want to know what we were doing.  I know you want to check on Maggie.  But stay in the truck for now.  And put your hands up on the dash.”  He rolled down both front windows and put his hands on the steering wheel.

It was just a few moments before they heard a loud voice bark from behind the drivers side door “Please keep your hands where we can see them.  Sir, what are you doing?”  Tim replied “sir, our hands are on the steering wheel and dash.  We were coming to check on our friend that lives here at this house.  No one has been able to get in touch with her since yesterday afternoon.  We saw the blue lights in front of her house.  And assumed the worst.  I didn’t realize until I got closer you simply had someone pulled over.”  The officers approached each of their windows.  The one at Tim’s, the older of the two, took the lead.  He looked at Tim and said “license and insurance please.”  Tim slowly reached up onto the dash and handed them to the officer.  When the officer saw the concealed carry permit he asked “is there a weapon in the vehicle?”  Tim replied “yes sir, there is a loaded Sig in the console.  I have no weapons on my body.”  The officer said “keep your hands on the steering wheel.  And neither of you reach towards the console.”  The officer then looked over at Maggie.  Tim noticed he did a double take when he saw her headgear.  He asked “ma’am, do you have id?”  Liz said “yes sir, it is in my purse.”  She went to reach down to the floorboard and Tim sensed the officer beside him get very tense.  Tim said “baby, stop.”  She did and looked over at him confused.  Tim looked at the officer at her window and asked “sir, her purse is on the floorboard between her feet.  The door is unlocked.  Would you please hand it to her?  Her wallet and id are in it.”  He noticed the officer look through the window to the other officer, who must have been his supervisor.  The officer at the drivers window, Tim had noticed his name badge said Windham, gave an affirmative nod.  Once Liz had the purse in her lap she carefully pulled her driver’s license out and handed it to the officer at her window.  He looked down at the license and back up at her several times.  As he was examining her license Liz pleaded “sir, I am sorry we were speeding.  But my friend, Maggie, something is wrong.  PLEASE!  We need to check on her.  PLEASE!”  The officer looked back over at his superior and asked “what do we do?”  Officer Windham said “come over here and call them in.  Stay here and keep an eye on them.”  He then looked at Tim and Liz and said “you two, stay here.  I will perform a welfare check. What is your friend’s name?”  Liz replied “Maggie Rogers.”  Officer Windham said “thank you.  Please stay in the vehicle”.

Liz’s eyes were riveted to the officer as he walked up to the front door.  Tim reached over and took Liz’s hand.  He reassured her “it is going to be ok baby”.  They both watched as the officer knocked very loudly on the door.  He said “Ms. Rogers, it’s the police.  Please open the door.”  They watched for what seemed like an eternity and nothing happened.  They saw the officer speak into the radio on his shoulder.  He then knocked again, once again announcing himself and asking Maggie to open the door.  Again nothing happened.  Liz had started softly crying.  The officer was turning to walk back down the steps when the front door opened.  A bleary eyed Maggie, dressed in pajamas, stood in the doorway.  The officer turned towards her and spoke briefly with her.  He then turned and walked up to the driver’s window of the truck and said “she is ok.  She said her mouth was hurting this morning so she took a sleeping pill to sleep it off.”  Liz asked “can I please get out and go see her?”  The other officer volunteered “sir, they both came back completely clean.  Nothing.”  Officer Windham took Liz’s license and handed it back to her.  He told her “ma’am you are free to go.”  She quickly unbuckled her seat belt, hopped out of the truck and ran to Maggie.  She wrapped her in a hug.

As she held her, Liz told Maggie “don’t ever, ever do that to us again.  We were worried sick.”  Maggie asked “you called the policsh on me?  My mouth wash hurting.  And I jusht didn’t want to facsh today.  So I took an Ambien and went back to bed.”  Liz squeezed Maggie and said “I am so sorry babe.  And we didn’t call the police.  It is a long story.  But don’t do that again.  If you are going to drop off the grid, at least give us a heads up.  You almost got me and Tim shot I think.”

Back at the truck, the officers and Tim watched as Liz ran to Maggie.  Officer Windham then turned his attention to Tim.  He said “so Mr. Gordon, you were going entirely too fast for a residential street.  I don’t know exactly how fast, but it was too fast.  I should write you a ticket for reckless driving.  I should, but in light of the circumstances and that you are a veteran, I am not.  If you promise me you will slow down.  And that you won’t roll up on the police like you just did.”  Tim said “yes sir, I promise.  But, out of curiosity, how do you know I am a vet?  Does that actually come up when you call in a license?”  Officer Windham asked “no, it doesn’t.  The way you carried yourself.  And that tattoo peeking out under your sleeve.  Are you not a vet?”  Tim answered “yes sir, I am.  BUD/S 299.”  The officer shook Tim’s hand and said “Marine Recon.  I rubbed elbows with a few of y’all, but that was a little before your time.  Now your total disregard for traffic regulations makes perfect sense.”  He laughed and then added “but still, slow down.”  The officer stepped back away from Tim’s door and said “Semper Fi!  Now, go check on those young ladies, they look a little distraught.”  As Tim got out of the truck, he looked at Officer Windham and said “thank you sir.  And Hooyah!”.  He then rushed to Maggie and Liz.  Once there he wrapped them both in a bearhug.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #21 on: 09. June 2023, 03:32:45 AM »
This story is great! One of the best I have ever read.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #22 on: 09. June 2023, 04:09:20 AM »
Thank you.

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #23 on: 09. June 2023, 06:26:13 AM »
I only have one problem with your story. You are writing faster than I can read it and I have fallen behind. :)

I will get caught up eventually, so keep going at the pace you are. ;)

Offline anton08

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #24 on: 09. June 2023, 08:03:48 AM »
This is one of the nicest stories around here, and there are quiet a lot of them around here!

Offline Charlie0186

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #25 on: 09. June 2023, 09:57:47 AM »
I only have one problem with your story. You are writing faster than I can read it and I have fallen behind. :)

So it's not just me, then  ;D

I'd love to know more about your writing process, mr_90proof , and how you manage to be so productive.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #26 on: 09. June 2023, 15:55:08 PM »
I really don’t know what my process is.  The story is in my head; I can “see” it.  In the case of “First Time Homeowner” for some of it I was just replaying memories in my head, especially the first half of it.  For instance the storm; it’s aftermath and clean up; the girl and the white dress; all of that was memory.  And that is another reason I took a long hiatus.  That part dredged up a lot of painful memories.  I will admit, even after 10 years, I cried a lot while typing it. And if anyone really wanted to, they could piece together a lot of the details in that story and figure out a LOT about me, and probably where I live.

So, “seeing” what is happening I just type it out, describing what is happening.  I do not have the world’s wildest imagination.  I have to have some real life basis for my story; even if I wildly embellish it and change many of the details.  But I have to have some real life experience from which it springs.  For instance, with “First Time Homeowner” the first half of that story was 99% autobiographical.  And then I detoured into some wild orthodontics.  “The Beat Goes On” was based on the very little bit of playing I have done; mainly stories that people have I played with that are MUCH better and MUCH more talented and have MUCH more experience than me have told me.  The main character was based on one particular woman that sang with us for a couple of shows.  She was a super hot 6’ tall blond who worked for a computer software and services company, but who on the side modeled and sang.  And she could sing!  And despite the fact she was clearly class III and could have used some orthodontic work for her bite, everyone wanted her.  Until we learned she was a lesbian and had a steady girlfriend (her girlfriend was an ex soccer player who could have probably kicked all our asses.  And hmm, Tina the lesbian gym coach with the tall girlfriend, no idea where I got that idea…).  But again, even that story was based on the tiniest grain of truth.   With this story, when I first got out of grad school, I moved to ATL for a job.  And when I moved there, I moved into a two bedroom apartment.  And my neighbor across the breezeway was a teacher.   And we became good friends.  One of the couches in my den is old, ratty, and half chewed up by my old chocolate lab (RIP).  It does not belong; I have been told I should chunk it and get a new one.  But I keep it out of sentimentality because she “bought” it, or at least picked it out.  I don’t know what ever happened with her, she moved and we lost touch.  But I have toted that heavy ass couch around with me to two other states since then; finally ending up back within 45 miles of where I grew up.  (That was described in the beginning of “First Time Homeowner”).  So, this story is based on just the tiniest bit of my life, just with a LOT of additions, embellishments, tweaks to the characters, and of course a LOT of orthodontia thrown in.  And my stories may be boring and repetitive.  There are some common themes that seem to pop up in all of them.  I don’t think I can help or change that.

Yesterday, I wrote one chapter after I woke up and before I headed to work, one at lunch, then one last night sitting on the couch after I got home.  I do most of them on my phone, which makes it more time consuming than when I use a computer with keyboard.  I do much of it while driving; but only on long drives when I am on wide open desolate stretches of hwy or interstate.  I like to type it out and post it, proofreading bores me.   Then I will go back and tweak it.  That last chapter for instance has a couple of little changes from when I first posted it.

I may eventually run out of story ideas; but I still have some things I want to explore.  My time on the water as a captain, beach stories, travel adventures, hunting and fishing experiences or calamities, crawfish boils and parties and such, maybe my parents’ sickness and deaths, the suckage and worldwide bullshit hysteria that was COVID, maybe another relationship story (though honestly, I think that is one theme that will pop up in all my stories).  So I have no idea what I am doing.  But for now it is a fun little distraction to get away from work for an hour at a time.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #27 on: 09. June 2023, 19:47:16 PM »
I only have one problem with your story. You are writing faster than I can read it and I have fallen behind. :)

I will get caught up eventually, so keep going at the pace you are. ;)

Funnily enough, I was thinking exactly the same thing! I'm just about to catch up on the last 3 or 4 chapters!

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #28 on: 09. June 2023, 21:07:23 PM »
Chapter Sixteen.

As Tim held the two girls he said "Maggie, you are in the doghouse.  What in the world were you doing?"  Maggie replied "I'm shorry.  Justht my mouth wash hurting.  Thesh expandersh.  And thish headgear.  I jusht want to hide, maybe shleep the nexsht year until it ish over."   Tim said "Sleeping Beauty, it is like I told Liz.  You are a beautiful, sweet, charming lady.  You just have headgear.  I know it sucks.  I haven't told you about it, but I wore it for two years in high school.  I KNOW it sucks and is a pain in the ass.  But, at the end of the day, you don't need to let it impact your life.  I hope you won't.  I know, I know; easier said than done.  But you need to just keep your eye on the end goal.  You might not be able to see it, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel.  I am sorry your mouth is hurting.  It is a good thing that I bought everything to make some smoothies.  And rum punch.  Please, why don't you get changed and come with me and Liz back to my apartment?  And then we can all go over and surprise Tina." 

Maggie said "thank you, but really, I can't go out.  I don't want to be seen in public."  Liz squirmed out from under Tim's hug.  She put her fists on her hips and looked at Maggie and said "no ma'am, you can NOT hide away.  I won't let you.  Remember when you were apologizing for getting me into this?  Well, now you owe me.  To make it up, you need to march inside and change.  Then you are coming with us."  Tim backed Liz up and said "she's right about hiding away.  Don't.  Come on, it will be fun."

Maggie broke free of Tim's hug and said "you aren't going to take no for an answer are you?"  Liz said "no, I am not."  Maggie let out a "hmpphhh" and turned and went inside.  As she walked away she said "you might as well come inside".  Tim noticed that she had an upset tone to her voice.  He yelled out to her "thank you Maggie." 

Tim and Liz sat in Maggie's living room.  It was apparent to Tim that Liz had been here before as she knew her way around.  Liz did most of the talking, and it was about Maggie.  They didn't notice her come into the room.  Maggie said "so not only are you dragging me out, you are talking about me behind my back."  Tim turned and looked at her.  She was dressed in a bright summer dress.  He also noticed she had done her make up.  He responded "we were talking about you.  Because we care about you and worry about you.  That is all.  And by the way, you look incredible."  Maggie responded "hmmpph, yeah right."  Tim got up, Liz stood after him.  Tim walked up to Maggie and said "no, really, you look incredible.  You ready?"  Maggie said "NO!" but turned and walked towards the door anyway.

Back at Tim's, after Liz and Tim had both changed, Tim whipped up a blender full of frozen pineapple rum slush.  He knew Liz liked it, he thought surely Maggie would too.  He filled two plastic tumblers with the drink concoction, stuck a straw in each, then garnished each with a cherry and a slice of pineapple.  As he brought them to the two girls sitting in the living room he said "this might be the remedy for what ails you Mags.  Not only was I generous with the rum, did you know that the wires in your braces are heat activated?  This will make them stop pushing on your teeth.  See what you think."  She stuck the straw in her mouth and tasted it.  She looked at Tim and said "Thank you."   Tim had noticed she was still in a grouchy mood, he really couldn't blame her, but he hoped getting a couple of drinks in her would help brighten her mood.  He told the girls "let me fix up some more, and a smoothie, and we will hit the road." After he had everything fixed; he had a large 1 gallon jug of the rum punch, a smaller canister of a non-alcoholic berry smoothie, and a pack of straws; he put everything in a large beach tote bag and placed it on the coffee table in front of Liz and Maggie.  He then disappeared into his bedroom.  When he returned he smiled at the girls.  They noticed he was wearing his retainers.  He asked "ladiesh, shall we?"  Liz said "oh, the gummy worms.  Grab the gummy worms."  Tim went into the kitchen and grabbed them.  He had forgotten all about them with all the drama that had just recently transpired.  As he dropped them in the bag he looked at Liz and said "babe, you are going to have to explain what these are all about." 

As they pulled up to the address that Emily had sent to Liz, Tim noticed there were three vehicles already in the driveway.  There wasn't room for a fullsize truck, and he didn't want to park on the grass without asking, so he parked out on the street.  Liz said "Emily beat us here.  But I'm not surprised, I mean we did almost get arrested."  She glanced over into the backseat and gave Maggie a smile.  Maggie pulled the straw out of her mouth, she was halfway done with her second glass of punch, and said "you will never let me live that down will you?  And what happened?  You shtill haven't told me."  Tim said "it is a pretty good story.  I will tell you all about it inside."  Tim was happy that Maggie's mood had seemed to improve a little, no doubt due to the rum.  He got out and opened the door for Liz, who slid out with practiced ease, her drink in hand.  He then followed with Maggie's door.  He took her drink from her as she climbed down out of the truck.  Once she was out of the truck he handed Maggie back her drink and he grabbed the tote.

Tim knocked on the door.  A woman wearing Interlandi headgear identical to Liz's and Maggie's answered the door.  Tim said with a smile "I have a delivery for a Ms. Tina."  Emily said "you must be Tim. I am Emily.  Liz has told me about you.  It is a pleasure to finally meet you."  She gave him a quick hug.  She then said "girls, thank you" and gave both Liz and Maggie hugs as well.  She stepped back inside and said "please, come on in."  As she walked she whispered to Tim "I am sure Liz told you, but Tina got some awful appliances in her mouth and can't talk.  Or eat.  Please be understanding."  Tim responded "she told me.  I feel horrible for her.  I brought her a giant smoothie, and also a pitcher of rum punch.  For her and anyone else that wants it."  Emily turned to look at him and said "that is very thoughtful of you.  But Liz said you are a sweetheart." 

As Emily entered the living room, she shouted out "Tina, look who I found loitering outside!"  Liz put on a big smile and said "Hey Tina!  Thanks for throwing this killer party!"  Tim noticed a very fit, broad shouldered blond woman on the couch wearing Interlandi headgear.  He knew this had to be Tina.  Nestled up against her was a dark complected woman with her arm around her, holding her close.  Tina looked up at Liz but didn't say anything.  She gave a half-hearted wave, a sad look on her face.  Maggie went and plopped down beside Tina and said "here try this" and handed her the glass in her hand.  Maggie said "it will raise your spirits, I know it did mine."

As Tina awkwardly tried to get the straw in her mouth, the woman beside her stood.  As she stood, Tim noticed she was VERY tall, over 6'.  She took a few steps over to Tim and Liz and said "Hello, I am Elizabeth, you must be Liz.  I guess there are two Liz's in Tina's life.  I noticed you yesterday, I apologize for not introducing myself.  But there was a lot going on, and I was very preoccupied". Elizabeth stuck her hand out and smiled.  Liz shook her hand out and replied "Hi! I'm an Elizabeth too!  But everyone calls me Liz.  I work with Tina.  And obviously am in treatment with her too.  It is a pleasure to meet you.  And no need to apologize about yesterday".  Liz gestured up towards her headgear and added "there WAS a lot going on yesterday."  Elizabeth said "the pleasure is all mine.  And for the record I think your headgear is cute.  All of y'alls.  Especially Tinababe's.".  She then said very softly "and thank you so much for coming over.  It means the world to me.  I can't stand to see Tina like this."  She then looked at Tim and asked "and who might you be?"  Liz said "oh, I am so sorry.  This is Tim.  He is my boyfriend."  Tim noticed Liz's cheeks get a little color in them as she said that last part.  He stuck his hand out and said "Hello, like she said I am Tim.  And I am Liz's boyfriend.  It is a pleasure to meet you.  And I brought a little something for Tina.  A smoothie and some rum punch.  Both might help."  Elizabeth said "thank you.  Let's go in the kitchen and pour her a glass. And I will introduce you."

As Tim stepped in front of Tina, Elizabeth said "Tinababe, I would like you to meet our new friend Tim, he is Liz's beau."  Tim said "it is such a pleasure to meet you.  My Liz sure has the prettiest friends.  And I brought you a little gift."  He handed Tina a glass of the rum punch and said "it is the house specialty.  Maggie might get mad if you drink all of her's."  Tina looked up at him and said "thah ya, ish nicsh to mee ya".  As she spoke Tim noticed the appliances in her mouth.  And the pained looked on her face.  Liz said "hey Tina, I also have something for you.  Nobody laugh, I was told this works." 

She stepped over, gently nudging Tim to the side.  She kneeled down in front of Tina and opened the bag of gummy worms she was holding.  She looked at Tina and instructed her "tilt your head down babe and open wide for me please."  Tina complied.  Liz held a gummy worm up next the rake in Tina's mouth.  She pinched the end off, and then gently impaled the worm on the sharp spikes in her friends mouth.  She looked at Tina and said "how does that feel."  Tina had her mouth half open, and everyone could see her poking her tongue against the rake.  Her eyes got a little wider and the expression on her face relaxed slightly.  She said "ish nah pokin me ehmore.  Eh shtill hah tha lisph, but itsh nah hurting me."  She looked at Liz and said "thah ya".  With a huge smile on her face so wide Tim could even see the molar bands that her facebow was slid in to, Liz handed the bag of gummy worms quickly to Tina.  She then clapped and excitedly exclaimed "I AM SO GLAD IT WORKED!!!  So, when it starts to dissolve, just stick a new one on there".

Emily asked "where in the world did you learn that?  Or did you just come up with that on your own?"  Liz said "I didn't come up with that.  Who would think about sticking gummy worms on braces?  But I was sworn to secrecy."  Liz was quiet for a second.  She then said "but I will give you some hints.   Just please don't tell her I told you.  She is an orthodontist.  She installed my braces and headgear.  And you saw her yesterday wearing that huge red facemask at the front of the classroom.  She really is so, so sweet.  And she has been so apologetic about having to wire my facebow in.  She has been so supportive.  And she told me to come to her with any questions or issues.  And she told me all about her treatment.  And girls, I don't want to minimize what any of us are going through.  Especially you Maggie.  And ESPECIALLY you Tina.  But Dr. Martin might have it worse than any of us.  She might have some kind of Guinness world record for the most metal in one mouth.  Speaking of which, I need to text her and thank her."

Liz got up and got her purse.  As Liz was typing, Maggie looked at Tim and said "bartender, I need a refill".  She then giggled.  Tim could tell she was getting a little tipsy.  And he loved it, because it seemed she wasn't dwelling on her mouth or headgear like earlier.  He looked at her and smiled.   He said "of course my dear.  Would anyone else like anything?"  Liz looked up and said "I could use a refill too!  And get Emily one!"  Tim said "coming right up."  He looked at Elizabeth and asked "would you like one?  I brought plenty."  Elizabeth said "well, I don't normally drink.  But Tina seems to be enjoying hers." Elizabeth used her arm to squeeze Tina tighter up against her and said "but sure, this IS a party.  I would love one."  Tim said "coming right up!"

It took two trips for Tim to distribute all the drinks.  He handed Elizabeth her drink last and smiled at her.  She said "thank you so much. For this, for all of this.  And by the way, I don't mean to pry, but are you undergoing orthodontic treatment too?"  Tim sat down across from her and said "well, not really, but I did.  But I still wear my retainers.  I have gotten a lot better at it since I met Liz.  She has been such a good influence on me.  In so many ways."  Liz beamed back at him, and then at the others in the room.  Tim could tell she too was feeling the effects of the rum.  Elizabeth looked around the room and asked "what's it like?  Having braces?  I've never had them.  I have been thinking about it a long time.  Years.  But I never did it obviously.  But now that my Tinababe is doing it, I have really been leaning towards doing it too.  Convince me to join her." 

Offline Bruss88

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #29 on: 09. June 2023, 22:47:59 PM »
So... when will Tim be going back into braces? ;D  ^-^

Offline napacaster

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #30 on: 10. June 2023, 03:43:48 AM »
So... when will Tim be going back into braces? ;D  ^-^

That's my question, too.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #31 on: 10. June 2023, 17:43:15 PM »
I think Tim has a little favor for braces as well ;)

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #32 on: 11. June 2023, 09:35:17 AM »
Great story with lots of different angles.  How will Tina manage to teach if she can't speak. And will constant use of gummis rot her teeth?

I hope Tim loves Liz for herself and not because he is a braces fetishist.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #33 on: 11. June 2023, 15:42:20 PM »
I hope Tim loves Liz for herself and not because he is a braces fetishist.

I'm more concerned that Tim - just being friendly and mindful - will spread his attention to all girls, leaving Liz jealous and regretting to have started a relationship with him in the first place.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #34 on: 12. June 2023, 16:52:54 PM »
Chapter Seventeen.

Liz, Emily, and Maggie all told Elizabeth their thoughts on their braces.  As Tim listened in, he learned a few things about the girls.  Such as the fact that Maggie had always wanted braces; that she had been jealous of the girls in school that had them.  And it was interesting to hear that Liz had actually come to like her braces; until she got the abominable headgear.  With her raw and ulcerated tongue, Tina didn't speak.  However, she did confirm with a vigorous nod that she too hated the headgear.  As Liz described her time with braces and her thoughts on them she had an idea.  She shot Dr. Martin a text.  Shortly thereafter Dr. Martin was on Facetime with the group. 

Dr. Martin explained her experience, both as a patient and an orthodontist.  Being on Facetime, everyone could see the bright red facemask she wore; it shone like a beacon on the screen of Liz's phone.  Though Elizabeth had a little trouble understanding what Dr. Martin said at times with her thick lisp, and Elizabeth had to ask her to repeat herself several times, she got the gist of it.  And that was that while adult orthodontic treatment was more complex and grueling than treatment for children or adolescents, it was totally worth it.  Before she hung up, Elizabeth had asked about costs and providers.  Dr. Martin had told her she couldn't give her an exact cost but said it would most likely be in the $5,000 - 8,000 range depending on what her treatment entailed and who she chose, though most providers did provide free consultations.  She did mention however that the university was in the process of selected a third and final set of trial participants, with a hopeful start date 6-8 months out, and urged her to consult with them.  She reiterated what a great opportunity it would be to receive treatment at no charge.  Elizabeth thanked her, got all the information on the process, and promised her she would do just that.

Tim then told the story about picking Maggie up.  He left out the very last part.  All the girls thought it was both horrifying and hilarious.  Liz poked fun at Maggie, who swatted her and told her to "shut up!"

Afterwards, they formed into teams and played mirror charades.  It was a very appropriate game since it required little talking.  Of course Tim and Liz teamed up, as did Tina and Elizabeth.  This left Maggie and Emily to form the third team.  They assembled on the couch.  One player on a team would stand behind the couch, out of sight of the other two teams.  This player knew what they were trying to mime, however the player in front of the others did not.  They simply had to try to mimic what their teammate was doing.  It was hilarious to watch at times.  Between the game and the alcohol, by the end all the girls, even Tina, were laughing and smiling.  They had completely given up trying to keep score.  As Tim returned with another round of drinks he sadly told the girls that these were the last of the rum drinks, they had drunk it all.

Elizabeth said "not to be rude, but it is getting late.  And tomorrow is a Monday.  Let's finish these up and wrap it up for the night."  About 20 minutes later, as Tim gathered up his things in the kitchen, he felt an arm on his waist.  He assumed it was Liz, so he was surprised to see Elizabeth when he turned.  She said "thank you so much for this.  I think Tina actually forgot about everything going on in her mouth, at least for an hour or two.  Tomorrow will be a new day, but at least this afternoon she was happy.  Thank you."

As Tim drove Maggie back to her house she said "Tina hash Elizbeth to look after her tonight.  And Liz has you.  And Emily hash her husband Mike.  I wish I had someone.  I guess with this shtupid headgear, I will be alone for a long time."  Liz replied "well, you aren't alone.  You have us.  And you are staying with us tonight.  You grab you a change of clothes for tomorrow.  And again, I won't take no for an answer."  Maggie said "but what about getting to school and back tomorrow?"  Liz said "that is simple silly, you can ride with me and I will drop you off at home afterwards."  Tim interjected "actually, that won't work."  Liz shot him a quizzical look as he continued "because I am going to take you to work tomorrow Liz.  And pick you up.  You too Maggie."

Back at Tim's, Maggie said "I need to take a shower.  Do you mind?"  Tim replied "of course not.  But just out of curiosity, how does that work with the headgear?"  She said "I obviously can't remove the facebow.  But I can take off the straps.  And they gave ush all an extra set jusht in case they do get damp.  Sho, I will shower without the strapsh, let my hair dry a little, and put it back on.  I might need a little help though, this will be my first time doing it by myself."

An hour later, both girls sat on the couch, one on either side of Tim.  Both had their hair wrapped in towels; Liz had decided to take a shower after Maggie.  Liz looked over at Maggie and said "well, I guess play time is over.  I guess we need to put our torture devices back on."  As the two girls stood, Tim asked "do you girls need a hand?"  Liz said "thank you boo, but I think we can figure it out."  Ten minutes later the girls returned, both strapped back into their headgear.  After watching TV for an hour, Maggie asked "so, where do you want me to sleep?"  Tim responded "well, why don't you stay here?  I can stay over at Liz's.  Or I guess you could stay at Liz's.  I don't know, I don't really have a plan".  Liz said "Mags, you have your own apartment for the night.  If that is ok with you Tim?"  Tim squeezed Liz and said "of course." 

After Liz got Maggie tucked into Tim's bed, Tim said "if you need anything at all, just let us know.  We will be right across the way."  Liz gave Maggie a hug and a peck on the check above her facebow.  She told her "we need to hit the road by around 7 in the morning.  Sweet dreams."  Tim echoed "sweet dreams Maggie." 

Back in Liz's apartment Liz and Tim settled on the couch.  Tim leaned over and kissed her.  He said "I know you hate the headgear so much.  But, we had fun today anyway didn't we?"  Liz said "I DO hate it.  But we did have fun.  Thank you."  Tim leaned in and kissed her again and said "no, thank you."  After they made out on the couch for several minutes Liz said "I need to get something out of the bedroom."

Tim was sitting there anxiously wondering what was taking Liz so long.  He then heard Liz's voice from the bedroom say "babe, can you come here and help me with something?"  Tim hopped up and said "sure thing" as he made the short walk down the hall."  He stopped in his tracks when he saw the scene before him.  Liz had lit several candles.  And she was posed seductively on the bed wearing her headgear.  Her headgear and nothing else.  She locked eyes with him and purred "we had fun today.  But today isn't over."

Offline Braceface2015

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #35 on: 12. June 2023, 20:12:36 PM »
I still haven't caught up to the latest chapter yet, but I am working on it. Every morning, I check for another chapter and add it to my file of stories to read.

The way your characters interact is entertaining and often amusing. Keep going, you are doing a good job.

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #36 on: 12. June 2023, 22:37:19 PM »
Chapter Eighteen.

Tim waited at the table for Liz, who was in the bathroom getting ready.  After a long wait Liz finally joined him at the cozy dining room table.  As she sat she said "what a nightmare.  I swear it takes 10 times longer to brush and floss with this facebow.  And have you ever tried to do makeup wearing headgear?  Argh!  At least I don't have to worry as much about my hair, it is going to look like a mess regardless under this helmet I have to wear.  This just sucks."  Tim smiled but suppressed a laugh.  He reached over and took Liz's hand and said "I'm sorry baby.  But, it will get better.  And I'm not smiling because of your headgear.  But because you are so cute.  I totally mean that.  And for the record, no, I have not ever tried to apply makeup while wearing headgear."  This drew a little smile from Liz who said "thank you.  You might be the only bright spot in my day.  I am so nervous."  Tim stood and walked behind her, wrapping his arms around her from behind.  He said "you are going to do great.  And everything will be fine."

As Tim pulled up to the school he asked "so, where do the teachers park?"  Liz asked "you aren't just going to just drop us off in front?"  He replied "absolutely not, this isn't some cut rate operation I run.  I even carry your bags."

Before getting out of the truck, both Liz and Maggie looked around to see if anyone was around.  There were several other teachers getting out of their vehicles and walking towards the school.  Both women looked hesitant to open their doors.  Tim got out and opened Liz's door for her.  He looked her in the eyes and said "I promise, it will be ok.  You may get a few looks, but who cares.  You are the prettiest woman in the world."  She exhaled deeply and got out of the truck.  He took her bag, slung it over his shoulder, and then opened the door for Maggie.  He looked at her and said "Maggie, you are going to do just fine too.  I promise.  Today is just another day at school."  She looked at him and said "yeah, easy for you to say."  She remained rooted in her seat.  He took her hand and said "it sucks, I can only imagine. But you are smart, funny, and gorgeous.  You just have a little extra sparkle right now.  Come on, please?"  She let out a "hmpphh" and slid out of the truck.  He slung her bag over his other shoulder and then put his arms around each of the girls.  Once inside the school Liz and Maggie, heads down, led him to their classrooms.  They drew stares from several of the other teachers, but no one said anything.

At the entrance to her classroom Maggie slid out from under Tim's arm.  She took her bag from him and said "thank you Tim.  I know I have been a little bitchy.  But I know you are trying to help.  Thank you."  He leaned in and hugged her and said "you have been nothing of the sort.  And today is going to be just fine."  He next escorted Liz into her classroom.  He sat her bag on her desk and looked around the class and said "so this is where the magic happens.  I love your classroom.  And I wish I'd had a teacher as pretty as you."  She looked at him and said "I am scared."  He wrapped his arms around her and said "I know baby.  But, it will be ok.  I don't want anything more than to stay here with you.  But I think they would frown on that.  You will do fine.  You will do better than fine, you will do great."  He leaned in and gently kissed her and said "I will be thinking about you the whole day.  And I will be here to pick you and Maggie up this afternoon."  As he walked out a security guard stopped him and said "sir, you need a badge to be in here."  Without stopping he looked over and said "I know, my bad, I went and left it my truck. I am going to get it now."

Before the bell rang, Liz slipped into Maggie's classroom.  She looked at Maggie and asked "how are you going to handle it?  Are you going to say anything?  Or just act like everything is normal?"  Maggie said "I don't know.  At least my lishp is a little better.  What are you going to do?"  Liz responded "well, I can't exactly hide this albatross on my face.  I think I will mention it at the beginning of each class.   And beg for mercy.  Similar to what I did that first day with braces."  Liz hugged Maggie and said "good luck.  I will be next door if you need a shoulder to cry on."  Maggie responded "ditto.  And three o'clock can't get here fast enough."

The first half of Liz's day went surprisingly smooth.  She did address her headgear at the beginning of each class, explaining she had just gotten it as part of her orthodontic treatment and would be wearing it to school for the foreseeable future.  She got lots of stares.  And a few questions.  But no one was ugly until her fifth period class let out.  As two of the boys made their way out, she heard one of them say to the other "how many channels does she pick up with that thing?"  Liz's face got red, but she did not say anything.  However, Alyssa Cantrell had heard the boy make the rude comment.  And she took offense to it.  Before Liz could even react, she watched as Alyssa grabbed the boy, spun him around and pinned him against the wall.  She got in his face and said "how dare you!  You apologize to her right now!"  The boy said "or what?" Unfortunately for him, Alyssa's boyfriend Ben was behind her.  He was a star defensive end and tight end who already had multiple D-1 scholarship offers as a junior.  He quickly got in between the two of them.  He stood a head taller than the boy who had made the comment and then mouthed off to Alyssa.  Looking down at him he said "then you will have to deal with me."    Liz quickly ran over and said "BREAK IT UP! RIGHT NOW!  ALL OF YOU!"  The two parties stepped away, though they were still glaring at each other.  Ben said "apologize to her".  The boy that had made the comment said "I'm sorry Miss Stevens".  He looked over at Alyssa and Ben and said "ok?"  Ben said "no, not ok.  DO NOT do that again."  The two boys that had started it slipped out the door.  Alyssa looked at Liz and said "I am sorry Miss Stevens.  But those guys are as**oles."  Liz said "Alyssa Cantrell!  Language."  Alyssa said "I'm sorry, but it is true.  And for the record I think it is great you are wearing your headgear.  You are a great teacher.  And a great example.  Again, I am sorry."  Ben said "I am sorry too Miss Stevens.  But they were completely out of line."  Liz said "well, I'm sure they aren't the only ones that have made comments about me today.  Or will make comments about me."  Ben looked at Miss Stevens and said "they will only do it once if I hear about it."  Liz said "Ben!  Don't say that!  You have too much going for you to get in trouble on my behalf.   But thank you.  Both of you.  Now go, and I will pretend like none of this happened."

That afternoon after the final bell rang, Maggie walked into Liz's classroom and collapsed in a chair in front of her desk.  With a weary sigh she asked "was today the longest day ever?  Since when did we go to an 18 hour school day?"  Liz smiled and said "it was long.  Did you have to break up a fight in your class too?"  Maggie responded "heavens no, what happened."  After she relayed the story, Maggie said "well, as a teacher, Alyssa and Ben were completely out of line.  As a human being, good for them.  So, are we supposed to meet Tim outside or what?"  Tim's voice said "nope, I told you I run a full service operation" as he stepped into the classroom. "Sorry, it took me a couple minutes to dodge your security guard.  But, I can be sneaky when I need to be.  And please tell me you had a great day!"  Maggie laughed and said "well, I can tell you it was a long day.  And Liz almost had a fight in her class when a couple of her students tried to defend her honor."  Tim said "hey, that is my job.  How about we get out of here, and you can tell me all about it?"

That evening, the four teachers commiserated about their day in their group text.  Tina's had been tough as expected.  Emily's had gone smoothly.  While Liz left the names out, all found it a bit humorous she had to almost break up a fight on her first day at school wearing the headgear.  Because of the headgear.  They were all dreading the upcoming Friday.  It was one thing to wear their headgear in class.  But this Friday was homecoming, with all the events surrounding it.  It was all hands on deck for all teachers.  Which for Emily, Liz, Tina and Maggie meant they would have to do it wearing headgear.

The next day Liz's jaw hit the floor at the beginning of her fifth period class.  Alyssa, Ben, Kayleigh, and her boyfriend Ethan all walked into her class together.  This was not unusual, they often arrived together.  What made her jaw drop was that Alyssa was wearing her combination headgear.  And Kayleigh was wearing a pink Petit reverse pull headgear.  Alyssa came up to her desk and said "Miss Stevens, you looked so cool in your headgear yesterday, me and Kayleigh had to get in on the trend.  What do you think?"  Liz said "girls, thank you so much.  But really, you don't have to."  Alyssa said "no, we do.  And we aren't the only ones.  But, I don't want to spoil the surprise."  Ben said "and Miss Stevens, you don't have to worry about Billy making anymore comments for a while.  I talked with him yesterday afternoon.   He won't bother you again.  And he may not be in class for a few days."  Liz said "BEN JARVIS!  What did you do?"  Ben smiled then put his hands up innocently and said "we just talked.  It was a very good talk."  He then winked at her and escorted the two headgear wearing girls to their desks.

Liz got another shock at the beginning of her sixth period class.  As students filed in, Jamie and Steph came in together as they usually did.  But what blew Liz away was that Jamie was wearing a cervical headgear and Steph was wearing a interlandi headgear similar to her own.  Liz called them up to her desk and said "girls, you don't have to do this."   Jamie said "come on Miss Stevens, headgear is cool.  Haven't you heard" and then giggled.  And Steph said "and I thought I was the only one lucky enough to get this huge interlandi headgear.  But all of you teachers have proven me wrong."  Liz was at a loss for words as the two girls made their way down their row and took their seats.

After school ended, Liz went into Maggie's classroom.  She asked Maggie "what in the world has gotten into these kids? I had four of them wearing headgear today."  Maggie said "I had three; Steph, Jamie, and Olivia."  Liz said "so that makes five.  Let's go find Emily."  They knocked on Emily's door and entered to find Emily working on shelving some books.  Emily looked up and said "hey girls!  How goes it?"  Maggie said "did any of your students wear headgear today?  Liz and I both did."  Emily responded "as a matter of fact, I did.  Ava and Chloe were wearing cervical headgear.  And Madison was wearing a reverse pull headgear.  Why, did you?"   They told her their list of students.  Emily's eyes got moist as she said "they are doing it for us aren't they?"

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #37 on: 14. June 2023, 22:29:38 PM »
Chapter Nineteen.

That evening Tim and Liz were on the couch watching the news after dinner.  Liz got up and said "I need to go get my outfit put together for tomorrow."  Tim asked "what outfit is that?"  Liz responded "tomorrow is my day!  My one day of the year! This is homecoming week and tomorrow is nerd day.  It is my time to shine!  And by that, I mean all the metal in my mouth and on my face will shine."  Tim responded "first, you are the furthest thing from a nerd.  And two, that sounds fun.  You need a hand?  You know I like taking your clothes off."  Liz swatted him and said "you are such a brute.  Stay here!  I will surprise you."

Tim was still on the couch when Liz walked in and said "whatcha' think?".  She was dressed in jeans, one cuff pulled up, a plaid button down shirt complete with a stack of pens in the pocket, suspenders, glasses, and of course her headgear.    Tim turned and smiled.  He replied "mmm, I have never seen such a sexy nerd in my life."

The next day, there was a lot of headgear to be seen at the school.  The four teachers rocked their nerd outfits.  There were all manner of nerd outfits on display.  As well as headgear.  All of the students from the previous day wore theirs, along with a couple of additional students.  Because it was homecoming, seventh period had been cancelled and replaced with a pep rally.  There would be another the following day, but this one was unique just because of the massive amount of orthodontia on display.  Liz sat down beside Maggie, Tina and Emily.  Emily leaned over and said "you know, headgear almost seems normal today.  It is a shame we can't do this every day."  Maggie laughed and said "well, I guess every day IS nerd day for us.  At least for the next year."  Tina said "at leash ya just have headgear.  Thish tongue crib shucks sho much."  Liz leaned into Tina and said "but you are talking SO much better."  They turned their focus towards the cheerleading squad as they ran onto the basketball court.  To everyone's surprise, Alyssa had not removed her headgear that she had been wearing that day.  As they launched into a set of cheers Liz said "I can't believe how brave that girl is.  And I will go ahead and tell you, it blows me away how many of our students have to wear headgear as well.  Look around, there are over a dozen here."  Maggie said "yeah, but none of theirs are wired in."  Emily responded "that just makes it more impressive in my opinion.  They didn't have to wear it.  But they did.  And I get that today is nerd day.  But yesterday wasn't.  And tomorrow isn't.  It will be interesting to see if anyone wears it tomorrow."

The next evening as they got ready Tim said "I can't even tell you the last high school football game I've been to.  I guess it was back when I was actually playing."  Liz said "I bet you were all kinds of hot and sexy in your uniform."  Tim replied "well, I can't confirm or deny that.  But I can confirm that my girlfriend back in those days wasn't nearly as hot and sexy as you are."  Liz snorted and said "yeah, right."  Tim looked at her seriously and said "I wish you wouldn't do that."  Liz asked "do what?"  Tim responded "put yourself down.  You are amazing.  Gorgeous.  Sexy.  Funny.  Smart."  He leaned in and kissed her.

That evening at the game Tim and Liz sat cuddling together on the bleachers.  It was an unseasonably cool fall night, so it gave Tim an excuse to hold Liz close to him.  Tim said "I am having an absolute blast with you tonight.  This is so much fun.  And that was so cool to see Alyssa and Ben get crowned homecoming king and queen.  She is a beauty.  And he is a beast on the field."  Liz said "I am so happy for Alyssa.  I just wish she hadn't worn her headgear."  Tim said "why, because you think it is nerdy?  I can tell you they looked anything but nerdy out there.  And she sure didn't seem to let it bother her.  It looks like you ladies have started quite a trend."

Three weeks later, Tim entered Liz's apartment.  She had text him earlier that they needed to talk.  He had asked what about, but she had been very cryptic with her reply of "we need to talk in person."  Entering her apartment, he saw Liz sitting at the dining room table, a very serious look on her face.  He smiled at her and said "hey good looking".  She didn't smile.  He went and hugged her and gave her a peck on the check, which she did not return.  Looking at her concerned he asked "what is it babe?  What is wrong?"  Liz said simply "please sit, we need to talk." 

Tim took a seat across from Liz and smiled at her again.  He asked "what is it?"  Liz looked at him and said "Tim, I'm pregnant.  What are we going to do?"  Tim sat in silence thinking.  He looked at her and said "well, this isn't how I had it planned out in my head.  But I guess you are going to make an honest man out of me.  And I am gonna be a daddy.  And you are going to be a mommy."

Twenty years later, Liz slipped into the dressing room with a wrapped gift in her hand.  She looked resplendent in her white wedding dress.  Tim looked up and smiled at her as he buttoned his vest.  He asked "isn't it bad luck to see the bride on her wedding day?"  Liz gave him a big, sparkling white smile and said "it is too late for that, we are already married."  She went up and kissed him and said "thank you for this."  Tim said "no thank you.  Thank you for everything.  I could have never asked or expected such a life. Or a perfect family.  But the one thing, the only thing, that I have regretted is that I never gave you the big wedding you wanted.  And a real honeymoon.  So, we aren't just renewing our vows today.  I am giving you the one thing I was never able to before." 

Liz handed him the gift and said "I made something for you."  Tim carefully opened it to find a photo album.  Liz said "I know everything is digital now days, but I wanted something that I could touch and feel to commemorate our life together.”  They sat on the love seat side by side as Tim flipped through it.  The first few pages were pictures of the two of them together when they had first met.  Tim said "goodness, we were such babies back then."  On the third page he came to one of him holding onto a very pregnant Liz.  He said "you were glowing."  Liz laughed and said "no, it was just the reflection of the flash off my braces and headgear."  On the next page there was one of Tim hugging Liz as she held their newborn son.  Liz was beaming through the headgear she still had to wear.  The next picture was a picture of her and Maggie, both in headgear, holding their son.  A tear slipped down Tim's face as he hugged Liz tightly.  He said "thank you so much.  This means the world to me.  This IS my world.  I love you so much."  After hugging Liz he continued to flip through the album, making comments as the pictures sparked happy memories.  He finally got to the last page.  On it; between the cardboard page and clear plastic overlay; was an old, yellowed note.  Tim looked up at Liz and asked "you kept this?  All this time.  My silly little note from that first night when I started falling in love with you?"  Liz said "yes, I treasure it.  And it isn't silly.  It told me what kind of man you are. Next to you and our two boys, it is my most treasured possession.  And who would have ever thought that me getting braces would have ever led to this.  Don't you like to say 'life is weird'?  Well, it may be.  But my life has been perfect.   I love you more than life itself.  And I can't wait for our next 20 years together." 

The End.

Offline mr_90proof

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #38 on: 15. June 2023, 04:55:18 AM »
Apparently no one liked the end of this story, but I thought it was sweet. 

Offline napacaster

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #39 on: 15. June 2023, 06:21:39 AM »
Excellent ending! Great way to wrap up the story on a very happy note.
Thanks for taking to time to write, I know how much goes into writing a story; I'm doing one myself.

Offline radian

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #40 on: 15. June 2023, 10:18:27 AM »
Really nice story. I enjoyed a lot reading it and discover all the characters ! A big thank you !

And there is a way for a spinoff with Maggie, Tina or Emily

Offline Embracer

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #41 on: 15. June 2023, 10:35:42 AM »
excellent story. I really enjoyed it, including the ending

Offline Bracetee11

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #42 on: 15. June 2023, 10:39:11 AM »
Great stry really enjoyed it!

Offline bracessd

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #43 on: 30. June 2023, 17:48:04 PM »
Awesome story!

Offline Michellemon

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Re: A Fresh Start
« Reply #44 on: 30. June 2023, 23:44:09 PM »
I loved this ending!!